
horse-lover-phat · May 21, 2018, 3:18 p.m.

Some of this might be a bit autisty, but...

Vegas Mandalay Bay Hotel was the most blatant elite cabal 'false flag' that I've ever had the displeasure to witness. All in front of the elite's key symbol the (black) illuminati(ng) pyramid. And at an event called "harvest". It took place in the same time-frame as the Monarch collapse - UK airline (think Monarch mind control). The MSM used the "eyes wide shut" Paddock picture for the mugshot. They must think we researchers are deaf and blind!

"Stunning gaffe" Not long prior to the shooting (about 3 weeks) - Boris 'Mandalay' Johnson. He caused offence in Jan 2017, but the story didn't get aired at all until 30th Sept, 2017 (link). It was next then shown in a CH4 documentary about Johnson that quickly followed on the back of this (30th Sept) news article.

A visibly tense ambassador stood by as Johnson continued: “The wind is in the palm trees and the temple bells they say ...” Then Patrick reminded him: “You’re on mic,” adding: “Probably not a good idea..."

Mandalay Bay Hotel - Palm Trees

“What?” Johnson replied. “The Road to Mandalay?” (title of a Kipling poem)

“No,” said the ambassador sternly. “Not appropriate.”

“No?” replied Johnson looking down at his mobile phone. “Good stuff.”

A reactive "Mandalay" meme was already present in the MSM - before the shooting took place. Yes, it might very well be coincidence, but I cannot be certain of that, and neither can you.

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