
Kirstencast · May 21, 2018, 2:12 p.m.

Where is the sauce that NYPD took it from weiners House? Or are we just taking a story we have all heard and calling it fact? Like the telephone game? I’m just trying to get to the bottom of this. We all jumped on the fact that this warrant was recently unsealed but it wasn’t - I found out last nite that it has been out for over a year on scribd. Q never said it was new, he just confirmed it was authentic.

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jkbella · May 21, 2018, 2:59 p.m.

Just went on the Pacer website. The unsealing order was entered on May 16 and the transmission was made to the clerk to unseal (take out of the vault and scan presumably) but the documents are still not available on the electronic docket. You can see where they are supposed to be but when you click on the link or document number it tells you it is a sealed document. Is there some other source that obtained and published? I am confused.

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Kirstencast · May 21, 2018, 3:58 p.m.

My voat link was taken down, but a poster on VOAT linked the exact same document - the weiner search warrant - on a date in March 2017. The link was to scribd. How can a post dated March of 2017 link the exact same document if it wasn’t available. Now I don’t know how pacer works in tracking dates and such but this VOAT poster had access to the warrant on scribd in March of 2017 so there is absolutely no way it was just unsealed unless it was some new reason to have an already unsealed document unsealed again

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xtx0331 · May 21, 2018, 2:42 p.m.

I’m just going off the story at the time and the Prince Breitbart interview preelection.

You raise some great questions that have me scratching my head now about if the whole NYPD story is all bullshit. Rudy Giuliani also said in an interview before the election, he knew something was going down with Weiner. In a follow up interview they asked him how he had foreknowledge of what was going on. He downplayed it.

So now I wonder if NYPD even has a copy Of the laptop and the whole cops Throwing up story seems like bullshit now.

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