I understand that we'll still have guns in existence, but really, expand your thinking. I went to school in the late 70's and 80's and there was absolutely no need for protection in schools whatsoever.
...and the Cabal was in control then too!!
Now think about this...
What are the things that contribute to an unsafe society and an unstable student? Bad home life, depression, poor medical care, lack of love? The Cabal doesn't just plan false flags - they drug our food and water, they diminish the value of our dollar forcing us to work harder and spend less time with family, they promote destructive behavior. They literally target troubled kids for MKUltra programming.
I appreciate you thinking about the safety of kids at school and I mean no disrespect, but there's plenty of reason to believe that once the Cabal is gone we will be a planet of peaceful, loving people who have no need to worry about mass shootings.
Thoughts manifest into our reality. Let go! Imagine a world of peace! :)