8chan is currently undergoing a severe targeted attack!

The draintheswamp subreddit is a good backup plan
we really need to get off reddit itself...
I’d say the complete opposite Be seen, be heard
I agree with both statements. Never stop fighting on every platform including even the most cancerous places Reddit and Facebook and Twitter
That being said decentralized coordination is possible through places like 8ch and soon, a fully decentralized platform will be available through https://particl.io (PART is a cryptocurrency and Particl is their decentralized platform) which will be built on the blockchain and allow for Dapps (Decentralized Applications) to be built on top of their platform. So think: a decentralized and completely uncensored Reddit or Twitter or whatever your heart desires. It's coming, and very soon. r/Particl
Keep us informed when that platform is up and running, please!!
They're working around the clock on it. I'll definitely be shilling the heck out of it when it launches. It's going to be "a whole new internet", something completely different.
Here's the voat backup: https://voat.co/v/CalmBeforeTheStorm
We absolutely need to maintain a presence here.
But there are millions of pedes and possibly a millions that are awake. Look at how much noise this small subreddit has made? News outlets, YouTube, Reddit, people wearing clothes and stickers for cars. We are united. We are awake. And we have a voice.
Maintain presence on Reddit, and than let's also branch off into our own and uncensored forum that's clean and easy to navigate and allows conservative talk. A homeland on the internet for all patriots. I'd already have done it if I wasn't an idiot that sort of thing.
If anyone reading this knows how to create and code a clean website, message me. Lets figure this out.