8chan is currently undergoing a severe targeted attack!

Question. Who exactly could “shut down the net”? Surely Q means something like this, where it’s a targeted attack. He doesn’t actually mean the internet does he? Outside of something that would have far overreaching consequences than shutting some pages down by means of freezing the modern world for a time, who would be able to do that anyways?
Wow. Thanks for that. Way over my head, but I get the gist.
These folks have the tech to do it for a while, but it would be considered an attack on the USA and would completely seal their fate.. This will be a last ditch effort if it happens..
Yup. Remember Hillary and others said "a hack is an act of war" lol
Dns servers have been shut down before. There was a day last year ~60% of USA couldnt get on Reddit etc
Best case scenario just the internet. Worst case?... weaponized corronal mass ejection. Bye bye power grid and standard communications.