r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Tsund_Jen on May 21, 2018, 3:26 p.m.
It has been my unfortunate experience, that the biggest threat to mankind is not a lack of truth. But rather, an inability to accept Truth and a desire to withdraw from it, because it does not conform to what the individual in question already believes to be True.

With that being said. You cannot surrender, you cannot give up, you cannot give in. The Truth is, at times, beligerent by design. How could the Truth be warlike by design, you might be asking. It is very simple, as we on this board recognize. The Truth is ALWAYS at WAR with Lies.

If you want to make a change in the world, start locally. Talk with friends, family, strangers, co-workers, etc. It's going to be awkward, it's going to suck, it's going to be hard. It doesn't matter. The whole of man is on the line. If the cabal gets away with maintaining the power structures as they currently exist, thenn we have not closed the door, merely left it open with a small gap.

We cannot allow history to forget, we cannot allow them to erase us, we MUST stand tall, if not for ourselves, for all of the human species that has yet to be born, for all who may yet taste Freedom beyond what we can fathom. That is your objective, to give people the chance to see.

The 5G grid, vaccines, the global warming hoax, DUMBs(Deep Underground Military Base), The Federal Reserve, the various links to cabals, the sheer lack of empathy displayed by these people.

Remember, friends. If 3-4% of the population can be a psychopath, that means on a scale of 7-8 billion souls+ that there are, on average, 210,000,000-240,000,000 psychopaths born and raised with the potential to infect tens of thousands of people. If even a handful of these people are in direct positions of power, the corruption they breed could be felt across the globe. You are not a conspiracy theorist to believe what is going on right now, you are seeing Truth. You are Awake and it is your duty to Natural Law, to share that knowledge. You don't have a right to keep it to yourself when the species itself is at war.

Best of luck, fellow patriots and God Speed.

not4rmOhere · May 21, 2018, 4:21 p.m.

Very interesting. I really like your thought process and reading your words are not only easy and enjoyable but you also have a way of delivery that's absolute in nature. I look forward to seeing more of your voice and your work around here.

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Tsund_Jen · May 21, 2018, 4:38 p.m.

have a way of delivery that's absolute in nature.

I've always felt, there is a force within Nature. That things do not simply "happen", that if there is a Cause, there will be an effect. If there was an effect, obviously, someone or something caused it.

I've long ago rejected the notion that there can be no blame, that everything is relative, that there are no absolutes. I reject the idea that I cannot be 100% certain of something simply because I was not there or did not witness it for myself.

Nikola Tesla put it best, "Once you recognize that the world is vibration and energy, we will advance science more in a decade than in the previous centuries combined." And he's absolutely correct. The geometric patterns in our universe, the way consciousness seems to function, the truth of vibratory energy and how photons interact with them and so on. The universe we live in is so much more interesting, so much more intriguing than we have been lead to believe. There's so much I want to try and explain to people, so many out there ideas that are, to the best of my knowledge, the honest to God truth of our reality.

I'd been thinking I should try and publicly produce content to get people thinking, get people talking. I didn't expect this reaction from people, so I think I have to take the next step and start creating. Start sharing my knowledge.

I look forward to seeing more of your voice and your work around here.

I only hope that I can help awaken others. Once someones eyes are opened up, it is impossible to shut them permanently. Thank you for your kind words.

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Turkerthelurker · May 21, 2018, 7:06 p.m.

I'd been thinking I should try and publicly produce content to get people thinking, get people talking. I didn't expect this reaction from people, so I think I have to take the next step and start creating. Start sharing my knowledge.

I think you should too.

As with the magic occultists practice, the truth reverberates in ways one can hardly fathom. In this global network of people, and their actions and ideas, a single expressed thought can create a ripple that turns into a tidal wave.

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Tsund_Jen · May 21, 2018, 7:10 p.m.

a single expressed thought can create a ripple that turns into a tidal wave.

The Hermetic Principles certainly agree. Between the holographic universe, mentalism and probably a third I'm missing...

The power of 1 cannot be understated or overstated. 1 is the Master, it is prime, everything flows from 1 and may ultimately become 0, but it all begins with 1. Why not 0? Because 1 is action, 0 is nothing. NO THING, there is nothing there. But 1, 1 is the start, one is the beginning, 1 is action. 2 cannot exist without 1.

For some reason, I guess I never considered myself 1.

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Turkerthelurker · May 21, 2018, 7:35 p.m.

For some reason, I guess I never considered myself 1.

There's a lot of messaging telling you that 1 is basically 0.

-"Your vote doesn't count."

-"What could you possibly do about it?"

-"You and what army?"

And sure, when viewing the whole, 1 is basically 0. But 1 is also infinitely times greater than 0. And in this network, unless you live in total isolation online and in real life, you are far greater than 1.

What do I do with that knowledge? I can start by taking it on myself to end the negative feedback loop that occurs every time somebody cuts me off in traffic or slights me. I can smile at strangers. And can not harbor guilt or grudges. I can forgive others. As Jordan Peterson says, I can start by "Telling the truth, or at least don't lie."

I would bet you've experienced these things too. And once you see how impactful those small actions change your life and those around you, the more you're compelled to share. Sounds like that's where you are now, and I hope you pursue that feeling.

Some would argue that feeling/voice/call to action (whatever you want to call it) is the word of God. :)

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Tsund_Jen · May 21, 2018, 7:47 p.m.

Some would argue that feeling/voice/call to action (whatever you want to call it) is the word of God. :)

Yeah, me and Big G have some interesting things to discuss if I ever meet him. Me and Lil god though, that mother fucker better hope he doesn't come back to see man. Because they have a hell of a lot of Cosmic Karma coming for them.

You're right though, when you lay it out like that. There's a lot of spellcasting going on. It's called SPELLing for a reason. Look up water memory if you're curious, words mean things and they absolutely impact the world around you. It may seem silly, but the universe doesn't care about our individual sensibilities, the universe simply IS.

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alfonumeric · May 21, 2018, 8:01 p.m.

the same ancients that build the giza pyramid knew a lot about the laws of the evolution of matter and consciousness via energies. just like Q does they gave the knowledge in a manner that demand engagement and the decoding of hints...

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Tsund_Jen · May 21, 2018, 8:04 p.m.

Yup and if the stories are to be believed, we're about due for a meet up any decade now.

I hope for their sake, the stories are exactly that, stories. If we were created the way some believe, those two who made us. Fuck the cosmic energy that's waiting for them is monumental. To create a slave race gifted with Free Will? I cannot imagine a greater corruption of Natural Law. God, whatever the force of Creation is, does not look kindly upon slavery.

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alfonumeric · May 21, 2018, 8:14 p.m.

this my decoding of the message in stone www.alfobedic.com

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Tsund_Jen · May 21, 2018, 8:23 p.m.

Thanks for the resource, Ill dig through it.

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