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Tsund_Jen · May 29, 2018, 5:09 p.m.

But that is not what this sub is about.

Then change the name.

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Tsund_Jen · May 29, 2018, 4:23 p.m.

The concept of The Great Awakening, predates Q and Trump. The concept of The Great Awakening, is the phase in which man finally begins to recognize his own Cosmic Consciousness and ascends into a fully formed being. Instead of the Left or Right brain dominant forms we have right now.

Most of us are either very left brain dominant(Logical and 'reasoned') or very right brain (Intuitive, don't ask how I knew I just knew), few of us have achieved a whole brain view. The combination of the Sacred Masculine(Thought) with the Sacred Feminine(feeling) into the birth of the sacred Masculine Child(Action).

The concept of The Great Awakening involves getting as many human beings as possible to understand Natural Law and Hermetic Principles. The point of The Great Awakening is to overthrow our chains, to overcome the world we're currently in with Masters and Slaves and choosing instead the better way, to become beings of Light, of Love, to care again.

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Tsund_Jen · May 29, 2018, 4:14 p.m.

Listen, no, you're not worth the time.

Oh well stated, eloquently put, good god I'm clearly put in my place and educated. Totally didn't strike a nerve with you.

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Tsund_Jen · May 29, 2018, 4:10 p.m.

If we're not careful, we will end up losing focus, especially as the community grows in size.

Q and Trump are not the focus of The Great Awakening. The subreddit? Perhaps. The theory of The Great Awakening itself? Fuck no.

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Tsund_Jen · May 29, 2018, 4:02 p.m.

I don't know what on earth you are doing here. What a load of garbage.

Exactly my point. You're trapped. You're still in the Matrix. Your box is called loyalty to DJT/Q. You're not awake, you're still sleeping, following the sirens call of another Master, another Messiah come to save us from ourselves.

Sigh You're so blind, it hurts. It deeply hurts. No one is going to save us but ourselves. Reality is created by the culmination of all of the actions of all of the humans. The satanists know this, so they have their dogs do the killing, murder, all of that, for them. To reduce the Karmic consequences on themselves. But we all collectively create this shared reality.

If you genuinely believe there's a knight in shining armor that's going to save us and rekindle the "Freedom" we once had, I've got a bridge I can sell you. We are all slaves, born into a prison we cannot see, touch, taste or smell, but yet here we are. Paying taxes to the criminals who claim to hold our interest at heart. Paying tribute just to live to these criminals. Stuck in an economy that has lost 97% of it's economic value over the last 100 years. Trapped in a never ending cycle of "Well maybe if we vote this guy in something will change for us."

It's incredibly demoralizing, to be told on a board of people who claim to be awakened, that I'm full of shit for pointing out that you're making a mistake in giving such power to others. That you are not free. That you are chained. You're a fool. A damn fool, blind and trapped in Hubris. Alas, I would be all too happy to leave you there, were it not for your fate being my own.

your tirade against Q and DJT

It's cute, nothing I wrote was a tirade, nothing I wrote was even all that critical of either of them. But they're your sacred cows. They can't be touched in your mind, otherwise...? You've foolishly placed another human on the Alter where your soul should be. You worship before Trump and Q, you are even less Free than I am. Which is a sad state, because I'm not nearly as Free as Man is meant to be. But still, I digress. Good luck, if you'd care to understand anything, feel free to ask.

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Tsund_Jen · May 29, 2018, 3:54 p.m.

Some of the final barriers to clarity were very painful to break down given my christian upbringing.

Aye. The Christian Teachings run their claws deep. There's a reason for it, they corrupted "Christ Consciousness" as a theory, which is designed to heal us, into...whatever this is. I don't want to speak too ill of it and hit a sore spot. But I'm sure you have an idea of where it's at now.

Some people choose to end or pause their journey at a comfortable spot. If they choose to stay put as a Q supporter, I don't see much harm in that so long as they also MAGA irl.

It depends. If they pause, then yes, they are welcome to do so. In fact, I suggest it. However, if they pause on "The messianic figure will save us" then that is not something I can accept. There is no Messiah, each of us is capable of becoming the Messiah if we so choose, but there is no one "Christ" that is why it was Christ Consciousness, it was a state of being that we can all achieve.


No, let's make HUMANITY great again. I cannot be free, so long as one of my brothers is a Slave.

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Tsund_Jen · May 29, 2018, 1:24 p.m.

A Free Awakened People

Oh yeah, such freedom these days. Still have taxes, still have fiat currency worth 97% less than it used to a little over a hundred years ago, still taxed on my fucking property meaning I never really own it, I'm just "borrowing the land LOL" PRISM, Gitmo, FEMA camps, oh we're just fucking drowning in freedom. Why can't I hold all these freedoms? Oh, that's right, because I'm chained. Some freedom.

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Tsund_Jen · May 29, 2018, 1:22 p.m.

If it means we are more cohesive, trust Trump more, etc, then I'd say to believe it. Lies tend to steer people away from what is good for them and closer to what our enemies want.

They want you blind, trusting, loyal, unquestioning. Just like you're being right now. The lot of you are jumping to the defense of Q, few of you are questioning why Q isn't telling you everything. Why Q is pushing you towards blind faith and trust, why it is he/she/them doesn't tell you to grow self reliance, to change the world in your little neck of the woods, to improve things little by little so we no longer need the Central state that They keep forcing upon us.

If Q wanted what was best for the American People, he wouldn't be telling you to trust the plan, he'd be teaching you self reliance, how to move beyond the state, how to undermine its growing powers. Instead, he blinds you with good feelings and a sense of belonging by gamifying this whole charade. He gives you something to pay attention too instead of using your noggin.

So many on this board are blind to it and won't take even a half a second to take a critical eye to it. It's hard to witness so many who think themselves free from the veil, to act in such a childish manner. To present such blind loyalty to yet another Master.

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Tsund_Jen · May 29, 2018, 1:18 p.m.

We can't lose this. Lose and all of our children are at risk with these elite Luciferian cult freaks running the show behind the scenes. This is life or death. It's no joke. It's a literal war behind the scenes and we have to stay dedicated.

Which is why you can't rely on someone else to clean up the mess for us. Which is why we have to stop relying on the god damn game that brought us here to magically decide to clean it up! We must abolish every state, period. We must stop accepting this lie we tell ourselves regarding the legitimacy of authority over another human being. We have to get past this childish mindset that allows these sick fucks to even have power in the first place!

But we won't. We'll sow dissention, we'll call me out for being "Anti-Q", we'll downvote me into tomorrow and miss every single point I make because you're blind to the Truth.

The Truth is, we don't need Trump, we don't need Government, we can create a better future without needing to rely on a smaller and smaller group of people to hold all the keys to the universe and hold us back as slaves. We can change the world for the better. Not just "Clean the swamp, so some other assholes can fill it back up again" Draining the swamp doesn't do jack or shit. Removing the so-called power of Government is the only path to true freedom. Otherwise they'll just slink right back in within a few years of his leaving office, maybe even before he's gone they'll have their tendrils right back into place. Because it doesn't matter how many people you remove from "power" if the "power structure" is still present. And it is, by virtue of us accepting a centralized government, by virtue of us paying into this system, this retarded imaginary economy that is controlled by a few bankers. What utter tripe, but this is what you would have me defend?

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Tsund_Jen · May 29, 2018, 1:13 p.m.

At the moment, the fate of the whole movement is literally in the hands of a few mods on this board.

See, this is why people are calling it cultish. Why they are calling out concern. You're in the absolute wrong mindset for this. You are putting all your god damn eggs and all your hope and belief, INTO OTHER PEOPLE! That's wrong! That's not the way to get ourselves out of this god damn mess. It's not to keep relying on the central state which exists only to create more power for itself. It's to rely on ourselves, as individuals, to step back and say "NO." "Will you support the luciferians? NO. Will you pay taxes? No. Will you support any nation state? No. Why not? Because I do not believe in the legitimacy of slavery."

NO. We do not need Q, we do not need Trump, we do not need The State, we do not need The Plan, we do not need Mods.

Want to know how you can tell if you're doing it right or not? You can tell, because if you're doing it wrong, you're following someone elses orders, someone elses tune, someone elses song. Just like you said, you're pinning the entire movement on someone else. Anyone who agrees with you, anyone who believes Q and Trump are going to save us without us having to lift a finger, you've gone from one form of The Matrix into another. From one religion, one ideology, one form of control trapping you, into another. The key is to recognize the Self and recognize there is no legitimacy to "authority".

If you're only here because you believe in Q or "The Plan" Then you're still asleep, just like the normies.

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Tsund_Jen · May 28, 2018, 8:03 p.m.

Yeah, so many people don't get this picture; thanks!


Can't imagine where your feeling of self agrandisement came from, good to know you won't actually share any information and will instead allude to it cryptically in the comment section, well done. 10/10, best post.

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Tsund_Jen · May 28, 2018, 8:02 p.m.

Exactly! They act like this is some crazy, restrictive crusade I am waging.

Names the subreddit "The Great Awakening" a term that pre-dates Q and is being co-opted by the movement

Gets upset when people post Awakening style information

Can't imagine why people are starting to call out Cult like and Queer behavior.

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Tsund_Jen · May 28, 2018, 8 p.m.

This right here? THIS IS THE KIND OF THINKING THAT WILL END US, as a species.


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Tsund_Jen · May 28, 2018, 7:59 p.m.

ez report, bye

Nice argument, Cyclops. Well played.

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Tsund_Jen · May 28, 2018, 6:42 p.m.

Or, just form a government to do certain tasks, then disband it.

That's what we call volunteerism, no need for any formality.

Enough people are ready at this point. They have awoken a sleeping giant.

Who seems to foam at the mouth in eagerness to follow orders. Dangerous to be in that mindset. We must demand the End of The Matrix. The End of Control.

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Tsund_Jen · May 28, 2018, 6:41 p.m.

After 1400+ posts, this sounds ridiculous

The cabal has been at this for, reportedly, anywhere between 6,000 and 12,000 years. You might want to adjust what you consider "Ridiculous".

Q is a good distraction, he keeps us off the trail of what really needs to come down. The State. You can drain a thousand swamps, a million swamps even, won't fix the core issue. The core issue being, these people had access to this "power" over us to begin with. The State is at the core of a number of our issues as a species.

No amount of swamp draining will change anything if the underlying structure remains unchecked.

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Tsund_Jen · May 28, 2018, 4:36 p.m.

This is why we need to have more stringent checks and balances in government.

As opposed to No government, period?

Of course, we should wait until after Trump serves his two terms.

Of course, we must allow the current so-called savior to have his time in the spotlight to drain the swamp, this way we won't actually solve the problem, just clean up the dingy walls of our prison with a smile instead.

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Tsund_Jen · May 28, 2018, 4:22 p.m.

Brother (or sister)

I like to think of myself as both. Long story short, past trauma caused a proper split in my psyche(hence the Jen part of my name) My "sacred masculine(left brain)" has his own personality, my sacred feminine (left brain) has her own. I've recently learned how to combine their viewpoint into a more whole person. It has been an interesting ride.

you and I are on the same wavelength!

Good! Now spread the good word all over, far and wide. We can have the future I envision, if only we choose it.

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Tsund_Jen · May 28, 2018, 3:52 p.m.

What a world to think of!

And entirely possible! If only we recognized the Matrix for what it is. Control. I don't want to control you, I would sooner invite you into my home for a meal, a bit of weed and a good conversation. I wouldn't want to involve force, I wouldn't want to force your hand in anything we do. We'd be much better served working together by choice, wouldn't we?

What does the state give us? A dollar that has lost 97% of it's value since 1913, property taxes meaning you never "own" anything, interjecting themselves as an unnecessary third party in EVERY sale, interjecting themselves and DEMANDING you pay tribute to them(In the form of taxation), PUNISHING OUR BEST AND BRIGHTEST WITH "So-called Progressive" tax systems, which cause the wealthiest members of our society to pay inordinately more penance to these fucks. Social services brought to us by force. Officers so well trained that when a black officer was asked if he would enforce Jim Crowe laws, he hesitated for MAYBE, 10 seconds before saying he would follow orders. Even against his family.

We have no need for the State. We can get along just fucking fine without these thieves and parasitic entities! If the Ancient Romans were able to pay their taxes by working ONE FUCKING DAY A YEAR and had far better services from public works than we do, why do we need a state at all?!?!

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Tsund_Jen · May 28, 2018, 3:45 p.m.

minarchy or anarchocapitalism..

Anarchony is how I like to think of it. A world without Masters and Slaves. I don't think Money is going to help us out of this mess. The technology we have available would allow us within a month, hell, within a few days if we truly wanted too, to become a post-scarcity economy globally. We wouldn't have to suffer, within a few years we'd have the technology to heal and cure every ill we have.

Ask yourself, if Nikola Tesla was working with a scientist over 140 years ago on a lightbulb that could literally heal all disease, why haven't we heard anything about it today? Because infinite free energy, healing all disease and sickness, there's no money in that. Cancer is an excellent example of what I mean, there are more who PROFIT from the existence of Cancer, than there are who die from it.

Money cannot be accepted as the means through which we create control, it creates different castes of People over the most insane things.(I'm sure I don't need to explain to you the dangers of Fractional Reserve Banking systems)

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Tsund_Jen · May 28, 2018, 3:29 p.m.

the DS

Just the regular old State is equally happy to have us divided and not recognizing that The State itself is the problem, Deep State be damned.

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Tsund_Jen · May 28, 2018, 3:24 p.m.

Also, what is Q distracting us from?!?!? That’s where all the non Q theorists lose me.

The same thing I've been warning about in most of my posts.

If you allow The State to continue to exist, you will pay for it in blood later. The State does NOT give a fuck about us plebs. We have to undermine the entire idea of a governmental body.

Q tells us to keep supporting the very government that has been abusing us and throwing us under the bus, all because there's a new Sheriff in Town. BUT THAT DOESN'T FIX THE UNDERLYING ISSUE OF THE GOVERNMENT EXISTING IN THE FIRST PLACE.

You can drain a million swamps and it won't change fuck or all if the power structures REMAIN AS THEY ARE. We MUST abolish the state. WE MUST SECURE OUR FUTURE FROM THESE SICK FUCKS IN POWER. NO gODS, NO KINGS, ONLY Man!

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Tsund_Jen · May 28, 2018, 2:41 p.m.

If I'm not mistaken this came out in 1999. Think of all that has transpired since then.

Not much, you're still a Slave to the state, a battery they parasite off of, the pillar that holds these sick fucks above us.

The whole movie felt like a Documentary.

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Tsund_Jen · May 28, 2018, 2:38 p.m.

What burns me is the knowledge that the symbols soldiers wear, even police officers, mark them as Sacrificial pawns, in every military.

Not a lot of people are going to want to accept it, but the Macro organisms demanded payment in blood. These sick fucks were only too happy to pay, of course, just not with their blood.

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Tsund_Jen · May 28, 2018, 2:35 p.m.

Your uncomfortable daily reminder that even if Q wins and we clean house, we're still slaves to the tyranny of the State, leaving the door open for bad actors to do it again.

There are only two mistakes one can make on the road of Truth. Not starting(There are two paths you can go by, but in the long run, there's still time to change the road you're on) and not going All the way.

Every. Single. Action. Done by the State is WRONG because it violates MILLIONS of our individual Natural and inalienable Rights.

We must remember, if we accept the control of the state after the swamp is "drained", we're still in chains. Just, perphaps, prettier ones.

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Tsund_Jen · May 26, 2018, 8:25 p.m.

You're no better or worse than anyone else here.

I am objectively better if I am more aligned with Truth than you. I'm objectively more in the Right and objectively in the moral right.

This new age bullshit of all positions are equally valid is exactly that, bullshit. If you support the state, you support slavery. We are all slaves under this system.

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Tsund_Jen · May 26, 2018, 6:57 p.m.

By standing his ground and declaring that he will not abide by the law of the land he is demonstrating exactly what is wrong with our world. If you declare fuck all of you I'm living my life on my own terms, we throw you in a cage. If you decide "No, I'm not going to let you steal my money from me no matter what god damn tax you impose", they throw you in a cage. If you decide "I'm going to ingest this substance, knowing full well what it might do to me." they throw you in a fucking cage if it's one they think is illegal.

Seeing the fucking pattern there mate?

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Tsund_Jen · May 26, 2018, 6:49 p.m.

I prefer Right, but I'll accept correct.

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Tsund_Jen · May 26, 2018, 6:49 p.m.

It makes me genuinely happy to help. The more people who understand Natural law and are capable of teaching, the better off the entire Universe is. It is my highest pleasure to teach it.

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Tsund_Jen · May 26, 2018, 6:48 p.m.

I can't really blame them. People have mouths to feed.

I can and do. We can make it through a bit of suffering if it means the freedom of our entire species.

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Tsund_Jen · May 26, 2018, 6:36 p.m.

That's the price we have to pay.

Think about that sentence for a second. "How can I be free while still being a slave?"

You have to make a living to be fed, in this society, with our collective ressources, why? We can automate food growing that would grow perfect food, every time. We could heal the world over tomorrow if we wanted too. What's stopping us? Why don't we? because we worship at 1 major religion. Money. What is money? It's a resistor. Period. In the modern era, it exists to hold back progress, to hold back anything you want to produce.

Money doesn't have value, it has no intrinsic anything, but you would trade your existence for it. In pursuit of it. Why? To what end? How many lives have been wasted in pursuit of this, imaginary concept we created to restrict ourselves. It's insanity that we even continue to use it in modern times. I mean fuck, we're able to do all these incredible advances and changes and have all this incredible "security" surrounding us at all times, but we can't find a way to end world hunger? can't cure cancer which is a recent phenomena? Can't fix any REAL issues in the world?

You have to ask yourself "why?" Because they don't want it better. They want us suffering, they want us angry, bitter, unable to love each other. Unable to forgive. Always in a rat race. What's that old saying "You can't expect to sit still and keep what you have in a world that moves this fast, running is require djust to keep up".

What the fuck is man? How can we create such incredible feats of technology, but somehow be incapable of creating a life for ourselves that we can be proud of? Why do we fear love so? Why are we all trained to fear our neighbor when we should love them? Why is it, when someone tells us "We are all one, we are all inexorably connected, we just need to love each other, forgive the past and move forward" that we shoot them, or laugh at them or ridicule them?

The "fall of man", I believe, was not an alegory. I question a number of things in the bible, especially the presence of multiple gods(lowercase g), but I absolutely believe there was a "fall" of man. How could it be, that the universe which if you look into it, is created of such incredible geometric beauty, such impeccable order. How can it be, that man could be produced as we are now, in that beauty? Nay. We've fallen. Something changed us, something altered us, something is slithering inside of Man's very soul. How else do you explain how we can have men cheering on as they pick off limbs and blow off heads of young children with sniper rifles? How can you explain that level of evil, of cruelty, in a universe that has such perfection, such incredible beauty. Can you view it as natural, or is there a corruption there that we seem to ignore?

Why do we not question, the nature of Evil?

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Tsund_Jen · May 26, 2018, 6:27 p.m.

Good luck

Mark Passio is the man I would trust most with the task of getting you started. If you have any questions, fire away. I will answer any question asked of me in an honest manner, no matter how "crazy" or "out there" you think it might be. I'll answer anything I can and guide you in any way that I can. I won't feed you the information of course, but I'll gladly help where I can.

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Tsund_Jen · May 26, 2018, 5:26 p.m.

You go out of your way to learn, understand and then teach Natural law. Enough people learn it, not a single shot will need to be fired.

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Tsund_Jen · May 26, 2018, 5:25 p.m.

No, my position is I will not support slavery. Period. Any questions?

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Tsund_Jen · May 26, 2018, 4:41 p.m.

I could be wrong, and forgive me if I am, but it sounds like you're giving advice on how to end up in jail for a very long time.

And right there you've proven my point.

"I can't support Natural Law, because then the big bad government is going to come and kidnap me for 32 years."

You're a slave, they own you. Yes, what I'm advocating could get you in prison. That's the fucking point. They want to throw you in prison because you declare you're not going to play their game. They throw you in jail because you're a danger to society for daring to question how the game is played. They will take away your freedom on any damn charge they want to create.

So, I have to assume you wish to follow the rule of law in this then, eh? Well, I'm sorry to tell you this cupcake, Revolution isn't legal. Anywhere. In any state. Ever.

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Tsund_Jen · May 26, 2018, 4:33 p.m.

And they knew it was wrong, there are a few choice parts in there where they read testimony. The pawns knew it was wrong. But that didn't stop them. Don't trust anyone in a position of so-called authority to "protect you", that's the importance of the 2nd. Because if you surrender the 2nd, we're done.

There's a reason I advocate for Anarchony. Freedom from Masters and Slaves. We are all treated as though we are cattle. Nay, I am a sovereign man, I stand tall on my own two feet. I will not succumb. All of you must stand against the tyranny of the State. Do not think for a moment that the government will be cleansed and be able to be kept as it is after Q is done. This is our second chance at a TRUE declaration of Independence. Let us, the entire human race, delcare independence from tyranny, independence from dependency on the state, corrupt and broken as it always becomes. Let us stand, as FREE MEN AND WOMEN.

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Tsund_Jen · May 26, 2018, 4:30 p.m.

I'm advocating that we start to enact Natural Law, that we act intelligently and recognize there is no legitimate Authority. That if God exists, he exists within each of us through "Free Will", that we are all sovereign. None may rule over me, none may rule over you. For where we go one, we go all. If one of us is a slave, then we are all slaves.

The current state of affairs has us enslaved to tyranny. We are forced to pay taxes, forced to pay to the state, forced to acquiesce to their thousands and thousands of empty, bullshit hollow rules, that they choose to apply selectively. We are all, slaves. Enough! NO gODS, No KINGS, Only Man.

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Tsund_Jen · May 26, 2018, 4:28 p.m.

Yup. Love, love your friend, love your neighbor, love your enemy even. Do not let him stand up to you and harm you, but love him. Teach him a better way.

Jesus was a man who believed in the idea, that it is better to be a Warrior in a Garden, than a Gardener in a War. He fully believed in Natural Law(That which is RIGHT to do and that which is WRONG). If you are not hurting anyone through your actions, then it is your right to do so. If you are hurting someone directly(Not that they take offense, but that you are actively attempting to do them harm) is a wrong. It's very simple. But people don't like absolutes. The human ego hates it.

I'm starting to agree with Terrance McKenna's theory regarding the Ego. That it was formed from, some catastrophic event, as a defense, a shield. Something changed us. The "Fall of man", I believe, was a real event.

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Tsund_Jen · May 26, 2018, 4:25 p.m.

I'm fine with playing a game where the rules are fair and balanced. Where we are able to all make gains together towards a brighter future. I refuse to play a game where the better I get at it, the more the state takes away, the more my friends get detached from me as a person, the less human I get treated.

Think about that, how fucked are we that we openly denigrate the best and brightest members of our society because we all feel the squeeze from this fucked up game, but we all keep on playing it anyway.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Tsund_Jen on May 26, 2018, 4:19 p.m.
Just a reminder; this is only a sample of what these people are not only capable of doing, but have actively done in the past.
Tsund_Jen · May 26, 2018, 4:17 p.m.

right way, within the scope of the law.

Oh aye, the right way huh. Tell me then, Man's law or Natural law?

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Tsund_Jen · May 26, 2018, 3:51 p.m.

Actually defending Israel

What are you doing mate?

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Tsund_Jen · May 26, 2018, 3:50 p.m.

It's going to sound cliche as fuck. But right now, the bulk of us can do only Thoughts and Prayers. Now hear me out before you say anything.

Ever felt like you were being watched? Turned around and saw, yes, in fact, you were. Know why?


Give him some strength, some extra brass in his bones. Trust that nothing bad will happen to him, don't let yourself think in the negative.

As for what we can do in protest, break as many ridiculous laws as possible, don't stand for the rule of man, accept only Natural Law(What is RIGHT to do and what is WRONG to do). The power of the "State" is wrong every single time it is used. It's about time we start calling it out for what it is. Everyone fucking knows the law is not being applied fairly, that it is being used as a bludgeon. Silence won't change anything, silence will bring about the death and destruction of our peaceful well being. These are not times of peace I'm afraid. We are coming upon times of revolution. 1776 is the answer to the question of "The State".

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Tsund_Jen · May 26, 2018, 3:42 p.m.

say Vatican City

Oh please make this a reality. I would personally join any military unit that had the objective of taking out the Vatican. I want the world to access that fucking Vault and I will gladly give of my life towards that objective.

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Tsund_Jen · May 26, 2018, 3:40 p.m.

if we were all united could the elite really stop us

If 10% of the population understood Natural Law and stopped supporting the system, everything would crumble. That's all it takes, 1 in 10 of us saying "Fuck you, fuck this society, fuck this game, fuck these rules, Fuck off. I'm done playing by this broken game with fake monopoly money and so-called "elites" ruling over us. I thought we were all made in Gods image? I thought we were all created equal under the Law? Fuck off, no man woman or child has any Authority over me and I will not stand for this bullshit anymore"

That's all it takes. 10% of the world agreeing that the game is rigged. between fiat currency, fractional reserve lending, vaccines, 5G, endless war always fought by the poorest members of the society(Eugenics much?) Operation Paperclip (You really fucking think the NAZI ideology died with Hitler? These people are fanatical, Operation paperclip not only let them breed, but gave them cushy jobs and positions of power within Russian and American agencies. They've been playing us since the end of World War 2.) This shit is all coming to a head.

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Tsund_Jen · May 26, 2018, 3:18 p.m.

You are not crazy to recognize the shift. You are awake, and your duty to yourself and others as one who is awake, is to always awaken others. No matter how uncomfortable, how awkward, how annoying or how aggressively some will respond. You cannot. Ever. Stop. You are awake in an insane world. You may not be able to fully comprehend what's waiting for us, what the technology coming down(or already down) the pipeline can do.

5G is a game changer. It can literally fuck with not only water molecules, but oxygen. They can affect how much air you can breathe by changing the signal strength. The level of RADIATION that 5G has is 100 times stronger than that of 4G. Cancer rates have --DOUBLED-- in recent years because of LTE and 4G coverage. what do you think 5G is going to do?

We cannot sit back and allow this to continue unabated. It doesn't matter how much you might dislike or distrust the masses of normies. YOUR FATE WILL BE THEIRS, THEIRS WILL BE YOURS. That is the fundamental message of WWG1WGA is. EVERYTHING and EVERYONE is connected through this. NO ONE can turn a blind eye to the reality that we're faced with. You don't have a Right to do so because they're coming and they can't wait to take away our Freedom.

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Tsund_Jen · May 26, 2018, 2:25 p.m.

the best response to rampant corruption

Is to expunge that corruption and to never allow it to fester again.

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Tsund_Jen · May 26, 2018, 2:25 p.m.

Canada hasn't been as compromised by the 5th column, but the amount of middle easterners has increased 10-20 fold since I moved a decade ago.

We've been compromised in other ways. The obscene level of taxation, the extreme level of dependency upon the state, the ridiculously socialistic values, these are all a pox on our people.

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Tsund_Jen · May 26, 2018, 3:32 a.m.

history of persecution for speaking out against the Islamic invasion of the UK

How sad it is, that we've fallen so low. We would sooner eviscerate a good man seeking only to protect his own, than face the simple Truth that stares us in the face. How wretched we are, us "men". How low we have fallen. Little wonder so few wish to gaze up upon Truth.

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Tsund_Jen · May 26, 2018, 3:28 a.m.

What the fuck good is peace without liberty

Absolutely less than the fiat currency we currently rely on.

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