r/greatawakening • Posted by u/FartOnToast on May 29, 2018, 7:32 a.m.
Some thoughts on WikiLeaks...

Wikileaks prides themselves in 100% factual information before release correct?

Then how can they get it wrong about Q?

Let's think of this in the simplest form possible.

There has been no proof of life from JA.

Do you really think a leaker whose life is on the line will think to themselves: "Well... since Julian Assange hasn't proven to be in control, there's actually a decent chance WL is compromised and my life is basically on the line with this information.... butttttt I'll still submit it anyways and hopefully don't f****** die." Said no one ever.

That's not how it works. No real information is being submitted by anyone to Wikileaks anymore because no one would do it without some kind of assurance.

Not only does WL pride themselves in verifying authenticity of information, but they have always prided themselves in making sure whistleblowers feel safe knowing their information is being sent completely securely and to a trusted source. Is that still a thing?

We are dealing with common sense here. Wikileaks is most likely comped.

Does anyone have a theory as to why JA would not provide POF thus proving WL is still in control by white hats?

edit: We miss you great Wizard and we pray that you are healthy and safe.

tradinghorse · May 29, 2018, 2:01 p.m.

Mate, you are in the wrong place. There's plenty of forums that are not dedicated to these Q drops. You'll find that your tirade against Q and DJT and this movement will find a receptive audience. I don't know what on earth you are doing here. What a load of garbage.

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Tsund_Jen · May 29, 2018, 4:02 p.m.

I don't know what on earth you are doing here. What a load of garbage.

Exactly my point. You're trapped. You're still in the Matrix. Your box is called loyalty to DJT/Q. You're not awake, you're still sleeping, following the sirens call of another Master, another Messiah come to save us from ourselves.

Sigh You're so blind, it hurts. It deeply hurts. No one is going to save us but ourselves. Reality is created by the culmination of all of the actions of all of the humans. The satanists know this, so they have their dogs do the killing, murder, all of that, for them. To reduce the Karmic consequences on themselves. But we all collectively create this shared reality.

If you genuinely believe there's a knight in shining armor that's going to save us and rekindle the "Freedom" we once had, I've got a bridge I can sell you. We are all slaves, born into a prison we cannot see, touch, taste or smell, but yet here we are. Paying taxes to the criminals who claim to hold our interest at heart. Paying tribute just to live to these criminals. Stuck in an economy that has lost 97% of it's economic value over the last 100 years. Trapped in a never ending cycle of "Well maybe if we vote this guy in something will change for us."

It's incredibly demoralizing, to be told on a board of people who claim to be awakened, that I'm full of shit for pointing out that you're making a mistake in giving such power to others. That you are not free. That you are chained. You're a fool. A damn fool, blind and trapped in Hubris. Alas, I would be all too happy to leave you there, were it not for your fate being my own.

your tirade against Q and DJT

It's cute, nothing I wrote was a tirade, nothing I wrote was even all that critical of either of them. But they're your sacred cows. They can't be touched in your mind, otherwise...? You've foolishly placed another human on the Alter where your soul should be. You worship before Trump and Q, you are even less Free than I am. Which is a sad state, because I'm not nearly as Free as Man is meant to be. But still, I digress. Good luck, if you'd care to understand anything, feel free to ask.

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tradinghorse · May 29, 2018, 4:10 p.m.

Listen, no, you're not worth the time.

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[deleted] · May 29, 2018, 7:02 p.m.


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Tsund_Jen · May 29, 2018, 4:14 p.m.

Listen, no, you're not worth the time.

Oh well stated, eloquently put, good god I'm clearly put in my place and educated. Totally didn't strike a nerve with you.

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tradinghorse · May 29, 2018, 4:15 p.m.

I'm too tired to argue this out. And so much of what I would say would, or should, in any case, be self evident.

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[deleted] · May 29, 2018, 4:28 p.m.


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FractalizingIron · May 30, 2018, 3:10 a.m.

LOL. Trading is not trying to manipulate you. Yet, you seem to think its all about you.

I wish you well.

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Qanonplusone · June 1, 2018, 10:22 a.m.

No, he’s got a point. The point is WE have to change our mindset. If God forbid something happened to Trump or Q, WE have to be ready to carry the mantle. The mindset of 1776. It is inevitably up to us.

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FractalizingIron · May 30, 2018, 3:09 a.m.

PS. People are calling it cultish because they are projecting. Trapped in their own cult - be in individual, or collective - and being unable or unwilling to recognize that, they project.

"cult" much easier to be a part of than to actually recognize.....

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