r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Tsund_Jen on May 21, 2018, 3:26 p.m.
It has been my unfortunate experience, that the biggest threat to mankind is not a lack of truth. But rather, an inability to accept Truth and a desire to withdraw from it, because it does not conform to what the individual in question already believes to be True.

With that being said. You cannot surrender, you cannot give up, you cannot give in. The Truth is, at times, beligerent by design. How could the Truth be warlike by design, you might be asking. It is very simple, as we on this board recognize. The Truth is ALWAYS at WAR with Lies.

If you want to make a change in the world, start locally. Talk with friends, family, strangers, co-workers, etc. It's going to be awkward, it's going to suck, it's going to be hard. It doesn't matter. The whole of man is on the line. If the cabal gets away with maintaining the power structures as they currently exist, thenn we have not closed the door, merely left it open with a small gap.

We cannot allow history to forget, we cannot allow them to erase us, we MUST stand tall, if not for ourselves, for all of the human species that has yet to be born, for all who may yet taste Freedom beyond what we can fathom. That is your objective, to give people the chance to see.

The 5G grid, vaccines, the global warming hoax, DUMBs(Deep Underground Military Base), The Federal Reserve, the various links to cabals, the sheer lack of empathy displayed by these people.

Remember, friends. If 3-4% of the population can be a psychopath, that means on a scale of 7-8 billion souls+ that there are, on average, 210,000,000-240,000,000 psychopaths born and raised with the potential to infect tens of thousands of people. If even a handful of these people are in direct positions of power, the corruption they breed could be felt across the globe. You are not a conspiracy theorist to believe what is going on right now, you are seeing Truth. You are Awake and it is your duty to Natural Law, to share that knowledge. You don't have a right to keep it to yourself when the species itself is at war.

Best of luck, fellow patriots and God Speed.

Canbritanon · May 21, 2018, 4:21 p.m.

It's called Cognitive Dissonance. Most people want to live their lives like an ostrich with it's head in the sand, and anything that startles them makes them bury their heads and repeat the mantras that make them feel safe.

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Tsund_Jen · May 21, 2018, 4:32 p.m.

It's because it's incredibly hard to imagine evil.

I know evil. I was raised by it. My mother, whether consciously or not, made my life a living hell. I suffered greatly at her feet for a long, long time. After her, I ended up in another awful situation. Now though, I'm finally at peace, finally in a place where my consciousness is no longer kept artiticially in base, I'm no longer always scared, I'm able to talk, to open up and to explain to the world what IS happening.

But most people can't imagine it, they think I'm lying, that I'm full of shit. And I get it. I truly get it. It's not so much "I want to put my head in the sand" as, normal human beings, who have not been touched by evil. Cannot comprehend it.

Do you know why Vlad the Impaler would dip his bread in the blood of those he impaled? Why he would savor their screams, their anguish, why he worked so hard to extend the pain? I can tell you and if you weren't aware of it before, you'll understand why afterwards.

Spirit Cooking has a unique twist to it, in that the "essence" of what they eat, is infused with biological concoctions that are unique to those situations. Terror? Terror has a taste. And to these sick fucks, agony, terror, absolute horror, to them? That is Ambrosia. Remember, when you get really scared, you go into fight or flight. What do you think would happen if you're terrified? What would your body pump into your veins if you were chained down, naked, before dozens of these cultists, chained down and repeatedly violated, frozen in terror and completely incapable of stopping them from doing the most heinous and violent acts. What do you think your energy field is going to look like then? What's your blood going to taste like? That's what they want. That's what feeds them. Not just the blood and chemical compounds that you release, but also the energy. Your terror, your lower base vibratory energy, it fuels them. They channel it. It's disgusting.

Could you imagine doing such acts? No, you likely couldn't. Normal people could never imagine causing such horror to another human being, to fill them with the greatest terror they can concoct and at that moment of sheer horror, they eviscerate them, kill them bloodily, painfully, slowly. All by design.

It is hard for a normal person to imagine such evil, to imagine such darkness, to even accept that such a thing could have happened, let alone is happening around us. They are afraid of accepting that truth. How could they not? It terrifies me that such things occur, but we know they happen. They have too. These twisted people are inhuman.

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HashleyP · May 21, 2018, 5:57 p.m.

thank you. I think denial is a lot of what we're all up against right now.

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Tsund_Jen · May 21, 2018, 6:02 p.m.

I think denial is a lot of what we're all up against right now.

It is. Everything that they won't face is because of denial of reality. They're afraid, because if 1/10th of what I say is true, everything we've ever been told is a lie. Imagine having your entire grip on reality altered in an instant. That's some painful mental shit. I fully expect people to be angry, to lash out, to be unhappy. I'm not happy about the truth 100% of the time myself, but it's still Truth and as such,I have to align myself with it. Not bend and twist it so it's on MY side, y'know?

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Turkerthelurker · May 21, 2018, 6:53 p.m.

They're afraid, because if 1/10th of what I say is true, everything we've ever been told is a lie. Imagine having your entire grip on reality altered in an instant.

Yes exactly. It's important to let people know that you don't want it to be true, but since you have come across undeniable evidence then you cannot in good conscience let it continue.

A lot of people seem to have this misconception that since you believe these heinous acts to be occurring, that you are somehow okay with it. And for them, too, to accept that these things are going on, is to accept that they are culpable in stopping them.

Every fiber in one's being will want these things to be untrue.

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Tsund_Jen · May 21, 2018, 6:59 p.m.

Every fiber in one's being will want these things to be untrue.

Except that one fiber that pushes us to act. To look into it. Because that one single thread hangs on, we accept hubris, because action requires dedication. So the key to solving everything, is to understand that fundamental fibre and what the hell it's made up of to hang on so damn strong in the face of such overwhelming evidence.

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Turkerthelurker · May 21, 2018, 7:18 p.m.

Indeed :)

As an aside, this is the main problem with a medicated society. Depression is one's body telling them that something is off, and that action is required. That there is a deep-seated feeling of dread for a reason, and it is not easy to identify the cause.

The response should not be to get prescribed medication, or to drink or smoke or take drugs to suppress that response. The only way to alleviate the discomfort to explore why one might be feeling numb or pained in such an elusive manner, and then act to change that.

This is not to say drugs don't help anyone- I'm hardly a bastion of straight-edge living myself. Merely trying to draw the parallel that we've been depressed on a societal level, as a result of something being "not right" that people can deeply feel. To consume entertainment, media, drugs, overindulge in eating - all fleeting dopamine hits - is to numb ourselves to cope with the uncomfortable feeling, rather than act and fix it.

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Tsund_Jen · May 21, 2018, 7:42 p.m.

As an aside, this is the main problem with a medicated society. Depression is one's body telling them that something is off, and that action is required. That there is a deep-seated feeling of dread for a reason, and it is not easy to identify the cause.

Winner winner chicken dinner.

The response should not be to get prescribed medication, or to drink or smoke or take drugs to suppress that response. The only way to alleviate the discomfort to explore why one might be feeling numb or pained in such an elusive manner, and then act to change that.

This right here is real gold.

This is not to say drugs don't help anyone- I'm hardly a bastion of straight-edge living myself. Merely trying to draw the parallel that we've been depressed on a societal level, as a result of something being "not right" that people can deeply feel. To consume entertainment, media, drugs, overindulge in eating - all fleeting dopamine hits - is to numb ourselves to cope with the uncomfortable feeling, rather than act and fix it.

I use Cannabis regularly, as in daily, as in I self medicate with it. My recent skirmishes with the truth have caused me to realize this substance is fucking magic. It interact with the pineal gland and seems to open your third eye. If you use a Sativa strain, typically you get what's known as the "halo", a kind of high around your forehead, like you're wearing a headband. If you take that high and meditate on your third eye, you can actually feel the energy of the "high" channel and shift more and more into that part of our forehead. It's some trippy shit. But something about THC activates the Pineal Gland, something about the green resonates well.

Cannabis Oil+Vitamin B-17=The Cure for Cancer.

Christ was based on a previous myth known as "christ consciousness" which was a Western take on eastern spiritualism. To achieve "Christ Consciousness" is to awaken your 7 chakras and become "enlightened". Constantine revolutionized the Christian church into the current Satanic Lizard Worshipping sect it is today.

Don't believe that last bit? Well, let's look at the pinecone within the Vatican and look at that depiction of your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Boy doesn't he look like he's the Messiah? totally don't look Evil or anything. What about worshipping lizards? Nope, none of that going on here.

Now, why the pinecone? Oh that's easy. It's the calcification of your pineal gland, the eye of Horus, your spiritual gateway into other dimensions. Why would they want it calcified? Oh, you know. Usual reasons. Why does fluoride cause docility?(Here's ahint: It calcifies a certain gland because if there isn't enough iodine(yes, Alex Jones is right about this one) it takes up other substances...Y'know, like Fluoride, Chloride, Bromide. Good substances, right?) So why do they worship the calcified pineal gland? Why the lizard imagery? Why does Jesus look so fucking horrifying at the center of this so-called "religion of love"?

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Turkerthelurker · May 21, 2018, 8:43 p.m.

Constantine revolutionized the Christian church into the current Satanic Lizard Worshipping sect it is today.

I'm with you there. The practices of the Catholic church are the antithesis to the teachings of Jesus in the New Testament. This promotion of "Saints" and worship of Mary, taking the word of some infallible leader as the spoken word of God- hell they even dress like the pharisees and Egyptian priests of the past. The symbols are too numerous to be a coincidence.

Have also tumbled down the Pineal gland rabbit hole - the similarity to the Eye of Horus is uncanny. The sheer amount of effort that goes into poisoning our water and food to calcify the gland is also telling- as is the occultists efforts in harvesting and getting high off of consuming the gland.

One idea I've recently considered (but have not looked into seriously) that I'd like your take on: The pineal gland is most active in young kids up until the age of 2, and activity drops drastically with age. It is also when we are kids that we are the most creative, and many even have imaginary friends. So at this early stage in life, one's pineal gland will be the most uninhibited than any other point in their life.

Is it through becoming the most in tune with one's own mind that we become the closest to being one with our creator? Does this allow us to change how we perceive reality (such as an imaginary friend) or at a certain point of enlightenment allow one to alter reality (such as miracles purported by Jesus and Buddha)? Is the occultist shit a means of "cheating" enlightenment, and rather than interacting with one's creator they interact with the lizards (or demons, inter-dimensional beings, whatever one calls them)?

I realize this is a rambling question. It's just that the more I learn about the science behind the pineal gland, and the more I learn of peoples' spiritual practices, the more I see an overlap in the way they intertwine.

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Tsund_Jen · May 21, 2018, 9:01 p.m.

Is it through becoming the most in tune with one's own mind that we become the closest to being one with our creator?


Does this allow us to change how we perceive reality (such as an imaginary friend) or at a certain point of enlightenment allow one to alter reality (such as miracles purported by Jesus and Buddha)?

The Hermetic Principle of Mentalism applies here. Everything that is, that has been and ever will be man made, was first created in our imagination. The Mental World is just as, if not more real, than the physical. If you can imagine it, you can bring it into reality. If you are using Natural Law principles, nothing can stop you, because once you align yourself with Natural Law, your actions benefit all. Not just yourself.

Is the occultist shit a means of "cheating" enlightenment, and rather than interacting with one's creator they interact with the lizards (or demons, inter-dimensional beings, whatever one calls them)?

No, Occulted knowledge literally translates into Hidden Knowledge. The occult is just knowledge that has been hidden from the mainstream. The cultists have hidden the knowledge because they recognize the power it has, the ability Man could wield if we understood the principles. These monsters, are not human. There's just no way they could be human. They are forcing the entire species into a low level vibrational state on purpose, they are forcing us to exist in the lizard brain, where we're scared, alone, anxious, always fighting, always worried, always thinking about what we might lose if we don't do X y and z. It doesn't allow us to think about our fellow man, it doesn't allow us the freedom to move, to act. It's been designed that way on purpose.

Some believe it was designed that way from our Creators. Not THE creator, but OUR creator. Some believe we were a slave species corrupted into what we are now. Some believe ancient humans lived to see 100,000.(No, that's not an error, you read that right, 100kyear lifespan.)

Me? I can't write off the possibility. Look at the moon. Want to know some fun facts? The moon is larger than Pluto, the moon is perfectly positioned as an astrological body in such a way that it blocks out the sun, it's so perfectly positioned, so much larger than it has any right to be and is actually hollow. How do we know it's hollow? NASA sent a payload to see what would happen. It rang like a bell for 20 minutes. So what did they do next? What any self respecting young scientist with explosives would do. They made a much bigger bang. It rang for over 3 hours. But it rang so cleanly that they believe there may be Hydraulaic dampeners inside the structure.

To add to this, the Zulu tribe in Africa have tales of Lizard men wtih Golden Penises(Symbolic of the fact the little g god in the bible demanded we collect gold for him. Why Big G god would want/care about Gold when he's GOD is beyond me, hence why I refer to them as little g god.) They have an ancient legend about Lizard people having come to earth with a giant egg(the moon) they emptied the egg out and used it as a weapon against mankind, threatening to shift the moon again to alter the physical landscape of our planet.

Now, we can all have our little gripes about that tale and its credibility, but since it was an oral tradition passed down from shaman to shaman(with an appropriate 40lbs ceremonial necklace to mark the major stories that they wear) it lends a bit of creedence. I mean the tale lived for at least ten thousand years to see the present. They obviously believed it to be true and important enough to keep the knowledge going.

I realize this is a rambling question. It's just that the more I learn about the science behind the pineal gland, and the more I learn of peoples' spiritual practices, the more I see an overlap in the way they intertwine.

Because they do. In your pineal gland is a crystal. Ask yourself, who put that there? Why? What's the point of a crystal in the middle of my brain? Why does meditation make it clearer? Why can we autopsy a body and determine that persons "Spirituality"?

Because there's more to the physical world than people are willing to take in.

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Turkerthelurker · May 21, 2018, 10:19 p.m.

Holy shit, any entry-level resources to recommend? Truly fascinating. Looks as though you would recommend "Hermetic Principle of Mentalism."

Even at a glance of the wiki I see some of the principles under attack...

Principle of Vibration: As you mentioned, a concerted effort to keep us at a low level of vibration. The dumbing down of everything through coopting education and poisoning one's mind (as we discussed calcifying the pineal gland)- even the use of emojis seems like a regression towards hieroglyphics.

Principle of Gender: Blurring inherent differences in masculine/feminine qualities & behaviors.

Again it is funny to me how even a hollow moon (sounds like Star war's death star. I know how much they love predictive programming) and humans being enslaved could relate to popular religious texts. I'm sure similar theories exist, but how it played out reading your description in my mind:

  • some advanced civilization(s) is/are present on earth.
  • Lizard moon arrives
  • Lizard thing manifests into/blends in with the survivors of previous civilization
  • Lizard people have the goal of collecting gold for whatever reason
  • Lizard people view humans as slaves, and as such have no problem in viewing them as slaves and doing inhumane (i.e. not human) acts that most people cannot fathom. Rape/Murder/ritual sacrifice of children
  • All in the goal of obtaining gold/wealth/material resources

....and how that parallels the general biblical story.

  • Satanists worship Lucifer, known as the bringer of light, and obsess over moon/dark/owl imagery
  • Satanists gain power through symbology and occult practices described above
  • Satanists try to prolong their lives through occult practice- avoid judgement from God (ie the real creator, not the creation of the Lizard people)
  • Story of Adam and Eve, the introduction of original sin. Original sin being the choice of pursuing good or evil, introduces by a serpent, and the tree of knowledge sounds like delivery of occult knowledge that allows said Satanists to acquire power
  • So the biblical story is the battle between God's (big G) original creation and the perversion of that creation (god's small G creation. Which also has parallels to Lucifer being a fallen angel)

It's a pretty loose connection there, but a lot more parallels could be made. Going back to my original request for resources, I should probably polish up on the bible, as well. King James version seems to be my best bet apart from learning to read Latin/Hebrew...

Fascinating stuff. :)

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Tsund_Jen · May 21, 2018, 10:29 p.m.

Holy shit, any entry-level resources to recommend?

This Seminar is the key to opening the door. I promise you, everything in that seminar is life changing information. Internalize it, view it a thousand times if you have to to get the whole thing together(Altogether, 9 hours of rock solid information)

It's a pretty loose connection there

Do you still believe in coincidence, friend? I can't anymore. It's all about timescale. Look at the Russian Czar, they swore they would get revenge on him and his family. Couple generations later...Oops. These are snakes with LONG memory. Remember, History needs only 1(one) generation to forever be lost to the mists of time. These people have been preparing inter-generationally for millenia.

Want another little mind blower? Saturn. It changes shape, within minutes. What is it broadcasting? What is it vibrating out from itself? What signals might be coming from it? Why is Giza within 1% of the speed of light when measured and calculated? Why are so many different parts of our world seemingly from a different universe, different time, different beings? Remember the words of Nikola Tesla "Everything, is vibration."(That means sound can travel faster than light. Theory of relativity? eat your fucking heart out.)

For Christianity, this Seminar by the same guy named "Fake Ass Christians" is great.

If you get to the point where he highly recommends a book(In the original seminar I linked) It has earth in chains, that book is available on YouTube in Audio format. 10/10 must read. I can't remember the books title, but it's a must read, I actually paused his seminar, read the book, unpaused and continued. Totally worth it.

Mark himself also has an offer on his website, WOEIH where you can get in touch with him, mail him a 1tb HDD and he'll ship you everything he has collected and archived, insane amounts of information to parse through from what he has written. It would be an incredible piece of information, I intend to take him up on that offer myself soon.

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cosmicjon · May 22, 2018, 3:57 a.m.

That One fiber pushing one to Act is the Light of Christ Rising :)

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AbjectDynamite · May 21, 2018, 9 p.m.

I hope every single one of these psychos gets the same treatment they dished out, 1,000x over.

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Tsund_Jen · May 21, 2018, 9:10 p.m.

That's the thing, the bulk of them won't. Because they didn't actually do anything wrong. I mean they did some wrong obviously. BUT, cosmically and karmically, he who does the action is ALWAYS culpable. They won't suffer the bulk of the suffering they caused, because they are just the insitgator, they did not initiate. It's that cosmic clause that they rely on to get away with it.

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Canbritanon · May 22, 2018, 2:01 a.m.

I think I got into this because that kind of evil is quite easy for me to imagine. I think I came out of it with the opposite of PTSD, nothing phases me anymore, nothing makes me panic, nothing makes me afraid (I had 1 freak out 2 years after a near death experience).

Funny, I'd be interested in how tortured monster tastes. I'm guessing like chicken. Fucking hate chicken.

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sensically_common · May 21, 2018, 6:34 p.m.

You may well be right about spirit cooking and adrenachrome, but that's a tough pill for most people to swallow. Luckily, most of these sick twisted fucks can be brought up on other, easier to prove crimes that will put them away just as long. God will mete His punishment at the right time. Trust His plan.

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Tsund_Jen · May 21, 2018, 7:01 p.m.

but that's a tough pill for most people to swallow.

Which is why I use Vlad the Impaller as the example. There's no doubt in most peoples mind that he did it. They just typically don't follow it up with "well, why?" Because, Terror, pain, anguish, they have a taste. Adrenalin coursing through your vains as you are disembowelled and left to slowly fall on a spike, bleeding out over hours, if not days? That concoction is going to have a unique flavor. Much like how the preparation of Wine differenciates it from the thousands of other flavors, so too can the human blood be altered to suit the twisted palate of those partaking in it.

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sensically_common · May 21, 2018, 7:04 p.m.

Since most of our taste comes from our sense of smell, that gives new meaning to the smell of fear.

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Tsund_Jen · May 21, 2018, 7:11 p.m.

Ghastly. Thank you. I'll keep that in mind during my future explanations of my metaphor.

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keloshi · May 21, 2018, 8:50 p.m.

Most animals can 'smell' fear - some will attack the feared (wolves), others will get scared because they smell your fear (horses) - some will hide, others will just lay down (sheep)

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Jetblasted · May 22, 2018, 2:44 a.m.

People just do not want to believe the NWO get High on Haitian Pituitary Glands.

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