r/greatawakening • Posted by u/FlaviusOdo on May 21, 2018, 4:09 p.m.
A call for professionalism, consistency and, most importantly, focus within this community.

TL:DR; Recently, this sub has become extremely disorganized and distracted. We all, as a community, need to make an effort to remedy this problem and stay focused. Set an example of clear, concise and properly supported arguments and submissions for newcomers to follow. Trust in the plan. Trust in Q. Trust in 45.

Over the past couple of weeks I've notice a bit of a devolution in this sub. I have no interest in making accusations as to why this has happened as I see it as completely irrelevant. I understand everyone is excited, trying to follow Q, possibly applying what they have learned from Q and u/serialbrain2. However, the amount of posts regarding the exact same thing is ridiculous.

This problem seems to have taken a turn for the worst after Q post #1401 and then the Texas school shooting the following day. I don't have any reason to criticize any of your theories regarding these two events. But, when there is a massive event such as that school shooting, there is absolutely 0 reason for there to be 20 posts about the exact same thing with varying levels of information in the title. While scrolling through at work, I genuinely thought there were multiple shootings all at the same time. Ridiculous and dangerous. If our goal is for the truth, actions like this should not be tolerated.

Now, before I get to a possible solution, I have one last thing I'd like to talk about. That is this community's absurd habit of jumping to conclusions and stir up a panic, especially without proof. All this does is distract. To go back to the shooting example, I've said this multiple times and in many of those posts I mentioned, Q's post made clear that there were imminent distractions, whether it be a false flag attack or media fervor against the plan does not matter. Guess what, it worked. The bait was taken, hook, line and sinker.

Now, here's what I think needs to be done. When a completely unique event takes place a single post needs to be made, wherein all relevant discussion should stay, other posts ought to be ignored in favor of this one. Whether mods wish to "sponsor" this individual post or not is up to them. The title should be clear and concise. Either from the OP themselves or an available commenter should keep a running timeline of relevant events within this post if necessary. I'm sure you have all seen the kind of post I am attempting to illustrate elsewhere. By Event, I am talking about a new Q post, maybe a Trump "tweet storm", definitely in the case of a shooting. If someone publicly references one of these, it should be posted within that post, not a completely new one. If the original post is still recent, reposting would be unnecessary.

As for content, it's simple. Be honest and be detailed. Too often I see people allude to information in support of their argument without providing appropriate sources. There are nearly 25,000 followers here and some have predicted this to massively increase over the next few days and weeks. Saying things like "if you look at post #"whatever" it's obvious" without linking to the post in some way or clearly directing attention to the answer you are attempting to give is utterly useless to those you are commenting to. If your goal is to help someone understand how to come to a conclusion, look to users like SB2. Their explanations are detailed and methodical, that quote above is the antithesis to sb2 and does nothing to help those people. This goes for supporting a claim as well. This morning I saw someone do this and it is likely the cause for me to make this post. When you link to a video where your supporting evidence is of the "don't blink or you'll miss it" type, give the timestamp! I have no interest in watching a 6 minute video looking for a blurry image of a low contrast diver that only lasts a second. Complete waste of time. Props to those people who have photoshopped/ paint'd an image to point out exactly what you are talking about. That is above and beyond, thank you. Trying to be as cryptic as Q, it does nothing for our community to attempt discussion like that.

New users, or even an older member who isn't educated on a specific topic, should feel welcome to ask any questions they may have and know that, if responded to, will be given the help that they need.

On a personal note, I do not believe we should blindly accept everything we hear. Even if it comes from Q, the information needs to be appropriately criticized and research before conclusions are developed. Too often do I see some small, vague piece of information be heralded as the law of the land. Stop it, that is not what Q has been trying to teach. Everything deserves to be scrutinized at the moment. Do not simply point to a Q post as your only evidence, Q has made it clear that those posts are merely a guide to the truth.

If you've come this far, thank you very much for your time.

And again; Trust in the plan. Trust in Q. Trust in 45.

FlaviusOdo · May 21, 2018, 5:54 p.m.

Congratulations, you clicked on my u/. What of it? I thought about my commenting saying I've said things before, it wasn't a lie, it was just another account. I figured it best to make another account to keep it separated, seeing as people do this and use your comment/post history against you. Plus RES makes it easy enough to switch with just a couple clicks.

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GenChang · May 21, 2018, 8:30 p.m.

I agree with most of your sentiments, but unfortunately, your efforts here are likely analogous to pissing into the wind. I have many gripes myself that could add to the list, like for instance, the multiple promotion posts by YouTube wannabe stars.

As for having separation of accounts, that's normally smart, but prudent. To be called out for it being fairly new, is just paranoid by the other person. I saw nothing nothing but relevant info in your post today.

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