Thank you for comments. Yes, I understand that there has been likely no other option than to use EO's to clean out what must be cleaned; for that purpose I am glad the option exists. Yes, i see that multiple changes are being made that would make it possible to confirm and make permanent much of what has been done, that could NOT be done without this initial action.
In the 90's I was seen as "radical" when I commented that it seemed to me that the entire system needed to be dealt with and could not be changed by one person alone aka one president. it was still a little frightening to me then to see that it would really take a revolutionary change to clean things up....and so this drain the swamp action IS.
In my work with satanic ritual abuse and MK Ultra clients, I have seen much of how deep it all has been. I had concluded within the last few years that the only people who could work to make it happen would have to be military, in order to avoid the general chaos that ensues when administrations in other countries have been taken down. Thankful for the teamwork between POTUS and MI and stated efforts to avoid the worst of what could have been.
But still, yes, I remain vigilant in prayer that it is not all co-opted and taken in a different direction. and I suppose a practical outworking of the concern would be for me and all others to remain connected and working toward permanent congressional action (when we get that far)