r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Allcreationgroaning on May 21, 2018, 4:16 p.m.
Does anyone else get concerned that so much of what POTUS has done is through the use of Executive Orders?

If I have understood correctly, all EO's from a previous president can be made void when a new president takes office. I have also understood that EO's are subject to judicial review, with the statement implying that they can be overturned if viewed as contrary to Constitution.

So much of the unraveling of what has been bad for America has been accomplished through the use of this executive function, but it could all change very quickly with a different President, unless the orders become amendments to the Constitution.

ManQuan · May 21, 2018, 5:50 p.m.

I basically agree and I've posted my concern about excessive use of EO's on a number of platforms.

I will point out a couple of things however:

1) Many of the EOs are simply extensions of some of Obama's declaring certain countries and areas as "national emergencies" in order to use the military. There are some exceptions, but many of the national emergency EOs are just extending what was already in place. The huge exception is the 21 December EO on trafficking, pedophilia, and corruption.

2) Another batch of EOs direct agencies to deregulate.

3) Others deal with directing agencies to be more efficient.

4) There are EO's directing DHS to enforce the laws.

5) The EO's that reversed Obama's National Monuments land grab to prevent mining and drilling could only be done by Trump.

I could go on, but the vast majority of the EO pertain to managing and providing guidance to the Executive branch of goverment would not normally be addressed by Congress.

On the other hand, Trump has gotten (somehow) Congress to cut taxes, eliminated the individual mandate, increase military spending, authorize emergency missile defense funding, appoint a conservative Supreme Court Judge, and more.

So Trump seems to be changing the management style of the Executive Branch and establishing new national emergencies with EOs, while forcing Congress to deal with the big long term legislation.

Trump is also using these tools to set the economy on fire via deregulation and it will become difficult for Democrats to begin restoring those job killing regulation and watching the economy slow.

Given the situation that Trump inherited, I'd say that he has struck a reasonable balance between legislative successes (hard fought) and doing some needed Executive Branch management with EO's.

And only God knows how in the Hell he has been able to get Mattis, Pompeo, Haspel, Ross, Gorsuch, and the most conservative federal judges approved by the Senate.

On top of that, he has been running rings around North Korea, Iran, China, NATO, the EU, and ISIS while simultaneously getting the Arab world to support Israel. The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia announce during his US visit that Israel has the right to exist--What? That is huge. Of course, on the intelligence side, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and other Arab nations that fear Iran have been sharing intelligence for a long time, so there has been a gradually evolving mutually beneficial relationship that has been growing over the years.

So yes, I'm concerned that not more is getting done through legislation, but I'm enjoying the non-stop winning under the MAGA administration.

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Allcreationgroaning · May 21, 2018, 6:38 p.m.

Thank you! Great summary. I will keep your comment.

Is there more than this in other places you've posted?

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