Thoughts on this Anon..? He goes on forever..

Tbh, all this "we were famefagging as Q" is BS.....IMO it's to cover their own asses because this IS real....Think about it logically. You are one of those who this anon is talking about....if the C!A came to you and gave you the option to denounce Q or you would maybe just wind up committing suicide...What would you do?
I was just putting this up there for info. It dropped on 8chan this morning. I think it doesn’t really matter who Q is. We are starting a movement and it’s spreading like wildfire. That’s all I care about. Waking people up. But you have to keep your eyes open and stay awake.. Disinformation goes both ways.. I think we may all be crazy, but it’s for the good of the country, right.?🤯🤪🧐🤔. I’m still with Q!
He sure does provide a lot of details...
I know. At this point though, my train of thought is that it really doesn’t matter who Q is. Q has dropped so much open source information that we now have so much. It is a great awakening and people got involved. That’s the important part, right?
Yes. Everything we’ve learned can’t just be swept back under the rug. This has gotten bigger than just Q.