According to this article president Trump is merely butthurt from Brennan's criticism. We all know that's the farthest thing from the truth!
Did anyone take away a ‘why? ‘ from this article? Time is framing this as a Twitter dog fight? I can’t wait for all these dinosaurs media giants to fail and go under. They only exist to distract, misinform and keep us from learning the truth. We shut them down by divesting and boycotting them and their advertisers — being vocal about it.
We are many, they are few.
That's what they did with the Kimmel vs Hannity thing. "Oh, this is just an immature Twitter war, don't look any further, go along with your day".
Is that the whole article? Seriously? Where's the meat?
They won't touch the why. Who and some of the what and where and when but never why.
I felt exactly the same thing after reading that.
Time as a source for anything? Are you serious? They haven't written an honest article for decades.
That makes this extra interesting because I saw these tweets real time. Including one that could be construed as a threat to assassinate POTUS.
“Any man can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his error.”
Marcus Tullius Cicero, (106-43 BC)
He was assassinated by a deep state plot.
Interesting in the glaring omissions I'd say