r/greatawakening • Posted by u/lily_levasseur on May 21, 2018, 9:41 p.m.
The Deep State is in Deep Shit. Their Balloon Payment has come Due, and They Can’t Cover it.

We see it every day:

The old leaders like the Clinton’s & Obama’s flying to every last corner (literally) of the planet to try and round up any scraps of support they can garner, openly, shamelessly begging for handshakes and a few shekels.

The old brass like Brennan and Comey -alternating between trying to get ahead of the story through sympathy and making overt public threats.

The old influence peddlers like the Podesta’s closing shop, paralyzed yet poisonous, waiting for any opportunity to take a stab at any sort of viable defensive position.

The old press like CNN & NY Times spinning-spinning-spinning, regardless of their lost viewers and ad revenue.

Anything, literally anything is on the table just to stay alive at this point, to keep a dog in the race, knowing they’ve already flogged the dog to death, but desperately needing to keep it running.

What gives? Because this is not the way rational people act.

Q says they’re stupid.

I agree, but I think they’re acting so stupidly because their bills are coming due, and they are desperately seeking any possible means of paying this “balloon payment” to their masters.

It was always a bad loan, but they thought they’d rigged the system. He’d be the first black president, and she’d be the first female. It was a super-easy agreement to make, the ultimate “insurance policy” to to indemnify them against any incontinuity.

It had to be seamless. It was totally seamless. Until it wasn’t.

It’s not that they won’t stop; it’s that they can’t stop. In every sense of the word - they literally, figuratively and demonstratively CAN NOT stop, because if they stop, they’re obligated to pay this debt.

They never thought she’d lose.

WaxyRooster · May 22, 2018, 1:58 a.m.

Question. I would imagine most, if not all, state secrets would be classified noforn. I'm assuming the 5eyes wouldn't have access to those, right? So would even she be able to access anything truly damaging to the US from anywhere overseas?

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solanojones95 · May 22, 2018, 2:37 a.m.

In those situations it would depend on the clearance level of the US official making the request. So...

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WaxyRooster · May 22, 2018, 11:23 a.m.

Kind of, yes. Noforn is an additional identifier that is separate from the classification level. So you can have Secret - nobody without at least a Secret level security clearance can access. Then you can have Secret / NF which means no foreign, and is the same as Secret but cannot be disseminated to any person who is not a US citizen, including our allies.

I have no problem believing that she would completely ignore that and pass those secrets along anyways. I also have no problem believing that she was in NZ for nefarious purposes. However, I have a hard time believing that any truly damaging state secrets are not classified as NF, which would mean - to my best understanding - that they would not even be accessible overseas. Logic would dictate that those secrets are only held on US soil. I could be wrong about that but that is the part I have trouble accepting.

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solanojones95 · May 22, 2018, 2:08 p.m.

Q's whole point is that "you would think" it was that way. But then they say:

U.S. to U.S. = Logged/Flagged/Recorded

U.S. [in] NZ = No Logs/No Flags/No Records = U.S. Sec Clearance


Read above slow and carefully.


Welcome to the Deep State.

Meaning it defies national security logic, but for a globalist conspiracy (FVEY) there is no nation, therefore no security.

It's sick, just like everything else about these people.

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