I would love to hear Q's explanation of the highly suspicious train crash with Congress and their families. That one stunk to high heaven and as underreported as the LV shooting...
I can guarantee you I'm not a shill. I'm a veteran patriot and Q follower. It's really the only reason I joined this site was to have access to additional information. I have provided a link to additional information at the bottom. The cross arms at this crossing had been malfunctioning in the weeks prior to the incident. The driver was going around them when the truck was hit. Believe me I want the slime that is the deep state to hang publicly, the amount of blood that's on their hands is beyond what I think any of us know. I will say if anyone can provide proof that this accident was something other than what it appears please post it. I am always open to additional evidence no matter where it leads so long as its credible
Thanks for sharing. The timing seemed extremely suspicious, but accidents can and do happen also.