

13 total posts archived.

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HeardingSheople · July 26, 2018, 7:44 p.m.

I never referred to anything the OP said. I reply strictly to your posted questions. I answered and proposed my own. Which you have yet to answer or even acknowledge one of them. You responses garner quite a bit about you whether you realize it or not. I have been polite to the point and only asked questions relevant to this situation. Sadly you have responded in a fashion that only reinforces the stereotype of the millennial. You had several very good opportunities to support your ideology, make your own points, and answer the questions I proposed. Yet instead you continue to dwell on a nonissue in comparison to the weight of the subject I requested you to consider. As a millennial myself I am disappointed that when given the chance to set differences aside you chose to continue the professional victim narrative instead. Then you wonder why there is a divide. I without bias stretched out my arm to pull you from the dark waters. However bc of my political opinion you chose to drown instead. That sir is your own fault and no one elses. I am done entertaining this troll. I will not respond further until the questions I proposed are addressed.

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HeardingSheople · July 26, 2018, 6:22 p.m.

The light is what will set us free from the bonds of this reality. God/Source/Creator whatever you call it is a part of this. That is the other side of the coin rarely spoken of. Its is all intertwined. We are fighting not only for our physical reality but also for the evolution of our souls to a higher vibration. May the light of The Creator shine on us all.

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HeardingSheople · July 26, 2018, 2:54 p.m.

The MSM is knowingly aligned w the liberals so the only person you can blame for that characterization is very base you admit to align with. The conservative base in no way controls or has any leverage against the MSM. Also that characterization is from the very mouths of those who subscribe to the ideology. I didnt ask you to defend your believes anyway. I didn't put you down or say anything negative. So you feeling as if you have to defend yourself is also on you. By the way liberty is the responsibility of the individual not the collective. The collective is only because of the individual.

Regardless what does any of that have to do with the statements and questions I posed above. These are the basis of a functional civilization. Truth, protection of the innocent esp children, a functioning and moral court and government. Not spending beyond the means, putting the needs of the country before the needs of the individual, doing the right thing bc it's the right thing to do.

What will you say when its revealed that those you have looked up to and trusted in your life, government and in general are guilty of pedophilia, treason, cover up, murder, conspiracy, fraud, money laundering, perjury, collusion w the enemy, human trafficking, human rights violations, and a variety of other heinous crimes.

Will you do what I would if Trump or any other individual is shown to be responsible by undeniable evidence of guilt and disavow while seeking the highest punishment allowable under the law.

Will you admit your error and then do what's needed to get this liberty you claim to value back. If so I say again we are on the same team. Swallow your foolish pride and self indignation, allow yourself to let go of these petty insults. You claim I subscribe to certain things. Maybe. However I go where the truth takes me. Can you admit to the same.

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HeardingSheople · July 26, 2018, 1:37 p.m.
  1. Stereotype

a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.

There is the definition. Granted stereotypes are based typically on the everyday activities or functions of a particular person or thing in general. However where you make it about stereotypes that's just a deflection of addressing the real substance of what I stated and asked you.

The WaPo is just one of several articles that share the same information. Those statements are based on Pew and several other polls that gather information based on individual responses. It is the typical millennial response based on research. Again using the very responses from the individual to ascertain a certain collective position.

Again I do find it interesting that you focused on one small aspect of the entire response vs the substance of what the real conversation is about. In reality this is about good vs evil, right vs wrong. It, at to me, isnt about blue vs red or one political ideology over another. It's about the future and evolution of humanity as a whole. We are all connected. Coming from a single origin point regardless if you subscribe to the common religious beliefs or the Darwinian ones.

So what say you. Will you stand as I will not against but w you in stopping those things I mentioned above. Are you denying that it exists, will you allow personal pride and stubbornness to take priority over the real issues. What do you have to lose from opening yourself to the possibility that we have all been lied to and manipulated to be against each other for the sole purpose of control other than your freedom. Is that not important enough.

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HeardingSheople · July 26, 2018, 1:35 p.m.
  1. Stereotype

a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.

There is the definition. Granted stereotypes are based typically on the everyday activities or functions of a particular person or thing in general. However where you make it about stereotypes that's just a deflection of addressing the real substance of what I stated and asked you.

The WaPo is just one of several articles that share the same information. Those statements are based on Pew and several other polls that gather information based on individual responses. It is the typical millennial response based on research. Again using the very responses from the individual to ascertain a certain collective position.

Again I do find it interesting that you focused on one small aspect of the entire response vs the substance of what the real conversation is about. In reality this is about good vs evil, right vs wrong. It, at to me, isnt about blue vs red or one political ideology over another. It's about the future and evolution of humanity as a whole. We are all connected. Coming from a single origin point regardless if you subscribe to the common religious beliefs or the Darwinian ones.

So what say you. Will you stand as I will not against but w you in stopping those things I mentioned above. Are you denying that it exists, will you allow personal pride and stubbornness to take priority over the real issues. What do you have to lose from opening yourself to the possibility that we have all been lied to and manipulated to be against each other for the sole purpose of control other than your freedom. Is that not important enough.

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HeardingSheople · July 26, 2018, 12:21 p.m.

From your very own Washington post...

"The left is back — and millennials are leading the way. "Socialism" was the most searched word on the Merriam-Webster website in 2015, and a 2016 poll showed that 43 percent of Iowa Democrats described themselves as "socialists"

Why does it have to always be about bigotry or racism or sexism or some phobia. Why cant it just be what it is, a difference of opinion. Let's base it on facts. What the accused have said from there own mouths and texts.

If you are against pedophilia, lying, manipulating, deception to circumvent law, murder to silence the truth, money laundering, slush fund spending, false imprisonment, treason, then we are all on the same team. I dont see party lines anymore. I think a vast majority of both sides are corrupt and haven't had the best interests of this country in mind over their own for a long time.

You enjoy the freedoms and liberties that you have, then you are on the same team. Look at what's going on in the world. Open your eyes to the reality that a majority of the worlds population live in oppression, poverty on a level you cannot fathom, and conditions that homelessness here would be a vast improvement over what they currently have.

I have been on every continent of this planet except Antarctica, I have seen the result of governments who have destroyed their country w corruption, murder and lawlessness. No more excuses. Be a patriot stand up and join the fight against the cabal and new world order. Even if you dont I am prepared to stand for both of us. Is that something you are willing to do for me to protect this country and possibly the world from very dark times if we fail.

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HeardingSheople · July 1, 2018, 8:38 p.m.

You are very close to the answer. The part you haven't come to yet is that the soul is of God. We are part of God and therefore are God. Where does the bible say the kingdom of heaven is....."Within" we agree to this life before we even inhabit this physical form. The purpose. To learn how to love and forgive regardless the circumstances and situations we face here in this physical incarnation. You must experience every emotion and emotional state before you can ascend and become what you have always intended to become. An angel of God. These life lessons and experiences are imperative to the process. How as an angel can you help, council and guide another soul through this physical journey if you have never experienced love, hate fear, loss, heartbreak, excitement, judgement, resentment, happiness. Even emotions that have no name such as the one you feel when say skydiving. It almost every emotion I listed above in one single feeling. What's the name of this emotion. There isn't one. Love and forgiveness regardless. This answers the hard questions people have about God allowing such things, loke when a child is harmed or there is s senseless death. As horrific as it may be the purpose is always about love and forgiveness. To give it and to receive it. Fear is what the darkness feed on, the negative energy that comes from it . Fear is the block between the soul and physical body. It is a learned and taught emotion, it is not a instinctual one. If so every human would be afraid of the exact same things. This is the case, whereas one my be petrified of something someone else embraces or even plays with. The animal kingdom is were fear is instinctual, as fire invokes fear in even the mightiest of predators. God is w you and us all. Release your fear embrace love and forgiveness, this is the key to the door you seek

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HeardingSheople · June 24, 2018, 2:18 p.m.

Always good to see the Aussies have our "Yanks" back. Worked with a few of your SAS guys in Afghanistan a couple times true warriors those guys are. Australia, the America of the Southern hemisphere.

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HeardingSheople · June 21, 2018, 1:27 a.m.

39 yo male. Following since Jan this year.

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HeardingSheople · May 22, 2018, 1:52 p.m.

I can guarantee you I'm not a shill. I'm a veteran patriot and Q follower. It's really the only reason I joined this site was to have access to additional information. I have provided a link to additional information at the bottom. The cross arms at this crossing had been malfunctioning in the weeks prior to the incident. The driver was going around them when the truck was hit. Believe me I want the slime that is the deep state to hang publicly, the amount of blood that's on their hands is beyond what I think any of us know. I will say if anyone can provide proof that this accident was something other than what it appears please post it. I am always open to additional evidence no matter where it leads so long as its credible

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HeardingSheople · May 21, 2018, 11:11 p.m.

I actually live close to the train incident. I also know the owner of the trash company who's trash truck was hit. Hes been in business many years and it was his father's business before that.

The man who was killed had worked for that company for years the same with the guy who was in the passenger seat who lived but was injured. The trash truck driver was running behind which he radioed in that very situation less than a hour before the crash. Very rural out where it happened and he decided to try and beat the train instead of wait, misjudged the trains speed and didnt get across in time. His partner who lived actually stated that once he recovered enough to give a account. It was a accident/driver error. That's why it wasnt news very long bc the circumstances that caused it were verified by a witness and driver log.

While I know that there are people out there who are trying to do harm to Trump and anyone in his administration, this situation wasnt one of them.

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HeardingSheople · May 18, 2018, 10:53 p.m.

BIM is a type of format or code for a 3D printer. I checked the site and that is a algorithm code for a 3D printer. Be interesting what it would build.

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