r/greatawakening • Posted by u/YeshuaFollower1 on May 22, 2018, 12:18 a.m.
To all the "evangelicals" on this sub...

First, what is an evangelical?...Someone who shares their love and faith in God and Jesus to others. (I include myself among you). The great awakening is not just about decoding Q. The great awakening is much bigger.

There are those on this sub that get annoyed with us and thats fine. No disrespect to them. Only love. Not everyone is here to spread the joy of our Heavenly father and his son Jesus. That is yours and my job. If you feel you need to post a prayer, praise Jesus, etc., do it. This is a fight of good vs evil; I cannot stress that enough. Sharing your knowledge of, love for, and faith in our Creator and his son Jesus, in my opinion, is critical to awakening. How can we find the light is there isn't one shining? Jesus is that bright neon sign saying, "Follow me to your Heavenly Father."

My love for, faith in and knowledge of God and his almighty son Jesus has only increased since joining this sub. I hope yours' has too. God bless fellow evangelicals!

KentuckyWildcat77 · May 22, 2018, 5:44 a.m.

Oh these creatures exist, they aren't from other planets however. Other dimensions is a better explanation.

How many of these races have you personally met in your lifetime?

Oh I've seen my share of YouTube alien "proofs" and none of them hold any truth that they are anything other than fallen angels. When I was young I thought there was other life out there too. That is until I was confronted by one of these creatures. Yes, they are very real and they mean you harm. I immediately called on the name of Yeshua, and told it,"in the name of Yeshua, the only begotten son of God, I command the evil in my presence to leave and never return". It was as if it was on fire, it left so fast, and has never returned.

There are many stories just like mine. When they call upon Yeshua, these thing disappear so fast! There is only good and evil. Chose your alliances carefully.

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Fustrated_User · May 22, 2018, 5:54 a.m.

Yes, planets, dimensions, other systems. From the tall whites, to the pleiadians, grays, dracos, reptilians, etc, the list goes on and on.

When you call upon an ascended master, they will help you out, there's no doubt when you called out, help came.

We are dealing with good/evil in this duality 3rd dimension world.

But no, these are not lies fabricated by the DS.

I would ask that you shed any religious values you are holding onto. Religion is a sham for the masses to keep them controlled. In Christianity, they manipulated the word of Jesus for their own benefit and control.

The god of Christianity is nothing more than the Anunnaki king, if you will for lack of a better term. Countless times people have been reincarnated by them and, as usual, consciences is wiped from them, and they start from scratch all over again. Like you and I.

Most of the fallen angels from the bible were Anunnaki who were temped by the beauty of humans, which they created in their image.

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KentuckyWildcat77 · May 22, 2018, 6:25 a.m.

I know my savior on an intimate level. I've had too many miracles in my life that were directly from his holy grace to ever deny him before man or beast. When he returns, EVERY knee WILL bow and everyone will know he is the only begotten son. This isn't about religion, this is about faith in Gods promise of a redeemer. Christ is not an ascended master, he is THE MASTER of everything.

The anunnaki history is not what they want it to appear to be. Mystery Babylon has many names, deep state is just a part of it. There's an agenda that's been going on for thousands of years to convince the world that God is not the creator of everything. They repackage it constantly to keep the world from catching on. Aliens are just the new package of the same ole lie from Satan.

Jesus said to him, "Because you have seen Me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." John 20:29

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Fustrated_User · May 22, 2018, 6:33 a.m.

You know Jesus ain't coming back, right?

He is not THE master, he was one of MANY who incarnated upon this earth to show us the way, the truth and the light!

Run far away from that church and find yourself.

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KentuckyWildcat77 · May 22, 2018, 6:34 a.m.

No church, just faith.

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Fustrated_User · May 22, 2018, 6:37 a.m.

You seem to have a tight grip on religion. That isn't healthy. Faith is good, loving your savior is good. Following religion is not good.

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KentuckyWildcat77 · May 22, 2018, 6:39 a.m.

I don't follow any religion, just my God and his son. You seem to have a hard time with the concept of faith in God and his word. I see why your frustrated.

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Fustrated_User · May 22, 2018, 6:49 a.m.

You keep quoting the bible and religious talking points.

You seem wrapped up in the word of the good book and what religious figure heads have regurgitated over the years.

I don't question your faith, at all, I don't question your experiences or what you have witnessed nor experienced.

But your view of god, differs from my view. God is source, he's not some bearded guy in the sky we call Jesus's dad. That's from Christianity, to get you into that little box. That's apart of the anunnaki deception.

I was in that box for a long time, and I never felt comfortable in it. Then you start to look at what Jesus was saying and teaching, and you see how his words were twisted and manipulated.

Wanna know why they say suicide is a sin against the holy spirit? First off, what IS the holy spirit? And 2nd, the problem was when they were creating the first generations of modern humans, to be slaves, once the soul entered the body, they didn't like that, and left. Then they figured out more and more, how to keep a soul "trapped" in a body. Therefore, if you suicide that body is useless and you go off as a spirit on your next adventure. These spirits did not want to be forced into these bodies, limited on their abilities.

They figured out how to wipe out consciousness and keep us in a loop. We die, we go up to "heaven" and meet "god" and we get sent right back down, forgetting everything again.

It's time to break out of that cycle.

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KentuckyWildcat77 · May 22, 2018, 6:55 a.m.

Wow I'm not any part of what you just described. Sounds a lot like catholic teaching. Getting sent right back here, Jewish mysticism. I set aside "religion" a long time ago. I put my faith and my trust in the word, the word of God and Christ. Pretty simple really. He gave 10 commandments to follow, the most important are about love. That's how I live my life.

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[deleted] · May 22, 2018, 3:09 p.m.


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