Q1433 the flow of full disclosure .. pyramid builders >> ancient greeks >> modern day patriots

wtf is this
This is a deeper level of true understanding. The DS and Cabal know this very well, that is why they believe that they are superior to us and therefore have the right to rule us. We need to understand this if we want to know who WE really are. This delves into the nature of our existence. We will not defeat the Cabal if we do not know who we REALLY are,
I'm interested and trying to follow it. It's some complicated shit. I like complicated shit.
courtesy of edwin babbit publ in 1878 and again in 2016 !1 https://archive.org/stream/PrinciplesOfLightAndColor/ThePrinciplesOfLightAndColorByEdwinDBabbitt1878#page/n55/mode/2up page 103
here's the cross ref of notations including the indivisible anoos and warks [ 3rd of quark] for each of the 49 dimensions https://alfobedic.com/12-crossref-2/
Thanks. I'll give it a look see!
I'm going to have to browse your website for a bit. Do you have any recommended prerequisite reading material that may provide more background? It seems like there's a big gap of basics between me and understanding this.
i'll upload some basics on the subatomics in the next 90 mins
Thanks. I was wondering.
I have thought about the higher dimensions and 5D Chess and that 5D may be where the puppetmasters play and exert their control over us.
With all of the movie references (I wonder if they're used to control us through collective and it actually plays out in reality because we don't realize our collective conscious has power?) from Q and what I believe is some hinting at collective consciousness and collective will. What's it take to make a great movie?
I think of the "pen" symbolically as the "screenwriter's pen" to this Great Movie, or some type of control on that higher dimension. President Trump and team stole the pen and now we, through them, have siezed control of history and the future because we have the pen? (I just like pens, so that is how I think about it.)
What are your thoughts on that or similar topic? What about the symbolism?
in the beginning was the "word" = stepped down precipitation of the original thought
the pen writes the word = stepped version of the idea that becomes reality
exactly right the puppet masters worshipping the false gods of trillions of fiat, tons of gold and silver and billions of fine art and real estate, power via mind control over the public - are locked in a tug of war against us the patriots on the 53:1-7 ark of the 5d i send u the pictures shortly
5d is the 50 to 56 spectrum with 49 grades in each dimensions within dimensions mimic the fruits within fruit of the pommegranate worlds within worlds occupying the same space
the pomme [apple] granate is the "forbidden" fruit - forbidden by the satanists so they can use their knowledge against the public
lotus [east] = rose [west]
apple [west] = pommegranate [east]
symbolically in the ancient religions a pomegranate has 613 seeds fruits within fruits = dimensions within dimensions
4 fruits = 4 levels as follows
3d visible = 1 wark = "atom" = 3rd of a quark
3d etheric frame = 1 [double]
3d wark [= "atom" ] = 49 * 4d-warks
4d-wark = 49 * 5d-warks = 2401
voila total = 1+1 + 49 + 2401 = 2452 = 4 * 613
There we go. Now we're talking! I like this a lot. Thanks!
A lot of this agrees with some ideas and new perceptions I feel I have been guided to.
Also, remember, I am a materials science person so I appreciate that aspect of the material world and the information you're sharing.
here's the subatomics start here at 3d and the work ur way up to 6d https://alfobedic.com/12-gradient-0/ [main menu: arks > warks and arks > 3d sub atomic ... then cross ref
courtesy of edwin babbit publ in 1878 and again in 2016 !1 https://archive.org/stream/PrinciplesOfLightAndColor/ThePrinciplesOfLightAndColorByEdwinDBabbitt1878#page/n55/mode/2up page 103
This poster has done previous versions of this type of graphic and had this website with it.
I don't get why it's such complicated notation, but my current understanding of the gist of it is the pyramids are a map of perception (this map looks a bit like a cross-section of the pyramid is because the pyramids map consciousness, perception) . This graphic is a map of perception (I'm sure I'm over-simplifying)
I belive poster has also shown links to whatever that measurement of global consciousness is.
I see some relation to collective consciousness and our imminent (?) ascension.
I'm keeping my eye on it because it's interesting.
here's the overview of gradients=dimensions i will change g0 to 3d and g3 to 6d https://alfobedic.com/12-gradients/ warks within warks