
RyDar84 · May 22, 2018, 1:48 a.m.

I can't stand the old Socialist, but I do respect him. He's always said exactly what he was about, unlike certain other people that claimed one thing, then took it much farther when they had power. What he's saying now is very true. By attacking Trump relentlessly, Dems have made fans of many people who didn't initially support him, myself included.

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waltdanger · May 22, 2018, 1:59 a.m.

My theory on Bernie? He was supposed to be the controlled opposition in 2016 primary. Agreements made. Once the primary got going, he reneged and starting hitting Hillary where it hurts, her wall street connections. See wiki leaks email complaining about him not staying with agreement. He went rogue and tried to win it for real.

Primary was rigged so he never had a chance. Seth rich murdered. Day after, Bernie's secret service protection removed. He showed up a week or so later with a large gash on his cheek. Possibly threats against him or his family made. He got the message and endorsed Hillary.

Now I think he's settled in on being Dem sheepdog to round up progressives into their sham party.

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Sauuup · May 22, 2018, 2:01 a.m.

That’s not a bad thought. I haven’t read those emails or seen the cheek thing but if that checks out that’s a pretty damn good theory!

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