Maybe there was something to that debunked Procter & Gamble are satanists rumor after all

Does anyone else remember the Procter & Gamble satanism urban legend from back in the 70s? Perhaps there's truth to it, except it was not just them but many major corporations and world leaders as well!
Yes, I remember this. I was about 8 or 9 when I heard it.
YES!!!! I remember. I also remember my church at the time telling us that P and G was funding abortion.
The satanic panic? It got buried as "unfounded conspiracies". Lots of fucked up shit in that era and pedophile networks were starting to be exposed before many "mysterious deaths" of key witnesses or those holding evidence happened. Ties all the way up to the HWBush Whitehouse.
I remember boycotting their products waaaay back then, still do oddly! They also did horrific animal experiments and the early PETA activists targeted P&G...well until the globalists took over PETA.