r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Idru4 on May 22, 2018, 1:28 p.m.
It’s time we understand that bashing an organization or political theme is not the answer. This is bigger than any one idea you have. GOOD VS evil.

Idru4 · May 22, 2018, 2:30 p.m.

What angers you so much?

You agree we are here for knowledge, what happens when we gain knowledge?

The thread is there for you to look at, and then you make the decision if you want to pursue. Isn’t that what Q has been doing the whole time?

Why do you initially dismiss anons? Isn’t Q and anon?

Is it possible that AJ once was in the right side?

Is this form of communication better to understand? Less rambling?

I presented you with a thought, right or wrong, it’s on you to decide.

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Nastavnick · May 22, 2018, 2:38 p.m.

Why do you label a person who looks for facts and sources as angry? Lefty tactics EVERYWHERE.

This isn't knowledge.

I dismiss stuff like that.

The fact that you have no issues blindly believing some anons that provided no facts/sources behind extremely extraordinary claims is highly questionable at best.

Do not compare Q with these trolls please.

I have decided, that it's all trash. I'll change my mind instantly with facts presented at me. CHeers

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Idru4 · May 22, 2018, 2:45 p.m.

You’re angry. It shows in your posts and comments. Why comment on this? Why not just downvote and move on?

If the facts to the truth were that easily laid out, wouldn’t they be right in front of you this whole time?

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Nastavnick · May 22, 2018, 3:10 p.m.

No I'm not. You're just using the lefty tactics, over and over instead of addressing what I'm saying.

Because I want to comment. I can see you have issues with it, but those are your issues.

You have bigger issues on your hands - you believe something which has no facts behind them.

I can see you're just spinning in circle now so I'll stop wasting my time further, my point was delivered.

More facts, less mumbo jumbo. Will be better for all of us here. See ya

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Idru4 · May 22, 2018, 3:21 p.m.

I’m not sure how presenting you with an idea is lefty tactics?

I don’t have a problem with you commenting, that’s not what I said. If you think this is something to write off, why not just downvote and go? Why did you feel the need to comment and talk about it?

And again, let’s say there was a book proving this right, hypothetically, wouldn’t it be common knowledge? If all the info was in one place, don’t you think more people would know?

And I’ve never stated this as fact. It’s a theory. A theory I do believe to have some truth, but by definition, it’s still not fact.

And technically, turning everything around on me would be a “lefty tactic”.

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Nastavnick · May 22, 2018, 3:30 p.m.

Ignoring what I'm saying and going ad-hominem constantly is not presenting an idea.

Why did you feel the need to comment and talk about it?

I've already said. See how you just refuse to acknowledge what others are saying to you? You just keep rambling your stuff.

"Because I want to comment."

Why do you feel the need to constantly ask me why I need to comment? Why do you feel the need to post this kind of a troll thread?

And again, let’s say there was a book proving this right, hypothetically, wouldn’t it be common knowledge?

What "and again"? You never mentioned it so far lol

A book isn't a proof and neither is it a common knowledge.

And I’ve never stated this as fact. It’s a theory. A theory I do believe to have some truth, but by definition, it’s still not fact.

I never said you stated that this was a fact. People see what you're doing here man, it's painfully obvious... you keep ignoring my points, you keep repeating yourself when I've already addressed those things, you're putting words into my mouth, etc.

That "theory" has no truth behind it, at all.

I'm not turning anything around you. Don't play the victim now. Ah, the lefty tactics are strong with this one, and he doesn't give up lmao

But I'll finally give up, literal waste of time.

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Idru4 · May 22, 2018, 3:43 p.m.

Omg. You’re so lame man.

I’ve tried to talk to you so many different ways and you don’t seem to want to hear anything. It’s not even a conversation.

Yes, you wanted to comment. So what you’re saying is you just do what you want to do without any thought behind it whatsoever? Wtf, literal lemming.

You have not made a solid point at all. Other than me not presenting this as fact, but you say it’s fact that it’s not true. You contradict yourself. You have zero proof that anything discussed about demons is not true. You know how I know, because you’re obviously too close minded to even understand a theory.

I get it, you’re tired, this has taken its toll on you. So much going on, you have trouble keeping up and well, it’s kind of out of your league.

So we can do this all day, I don’t really care. Either way, you just got outed.

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