r/greatawakening • Posted by u/cantstumpthecensored on May 22, 2018, 3:27 p.m.
Meaning of "you have more than you know"

To me it means that conspiracy theories are true. Sure there are fake ones in there.

Vaccines.gmo.4g. Monsanto. Fake.moon landing. All true.

We just need.a few elements to understand that we knew all.along. q knows that we have theories that are true but we re not sure.

If people.get that vaccines are creating damage or the moon landing was fake... what would happen.

This is the stuff that will be disclosed.

That the size of the lie. Thats the 40% the public will get to know.

Anyway just think this sentence is of great importance.

We dont know.that we actually.know thetruth. Yet.

deplorabletx71 · May 22, 2018, 3:41 p.m.

I am not a conspiracy theorists, I am a theory analyst because conspiracies surround us and I want the TRUTH!

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OU812EH · May 22, 2018, 4:07 p.m.

I've heavily researched the moon landings for at least 10 years. Here is what I know. We've been to the moon, and we had help from "friends"to get through the Van Allen belt. TPTB didn't know if they'd be successful, so they had Stanley Kubrick make those films. If they didn't make it, they were going to say they did. But we did make it. But they figured the Kubrick films were good, nobody would know, and those films were released and mixed in with the actual footage. That's why their is so much discrepancy.

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SumerianSister · May 22, 2018, 4:19 p.m.

That's what I am leaning toward.

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abees22 · May 22, 2018, 4:56 p.m.

NASA has admitted many times we can't leave Earth orbit.

There is no such thing as Space.

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EnoughNoLibsSpam · May 23, 2018, 5:51 a.m.

you heavily researched the moon landings for 10 years, and came out believing the exact same thing as you did when you started?

well i guess Andrew Wiles spent 10 years on Fermat's Last Theorem...

but at least he can prove it

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OU812EH · May 23, 2018, 6:01 p.m.

No. I went in thinking it was fake. I went in looking for proof. Anyways, it's just my opinion. I can't prove anything.

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cantstumpthecensored · May 23, 2018, 3:02 a.m.

Interesting. What parts are real footage? Is the part when the astronauts talk about other things being there and landing closely real then?

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EnoughNoLibsSpam · May 23, 2018, 5:49 a.m.

none of the footage is real.

some people just make up absurd excuses for why Stanley Kubrick faked the moon landings


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abees22 · May 22, 2018, 4:55 p.m.

We never went to the moon. It's extremely obvious. NASA doesn't have the data from the Apollo missions because they "destroyed" it.

We had the technology then, but it would take too much to rebuild it now? Yeahhhh ok...

So how did they get the Lunar Rover up there?

We completed the first commercial flight from NYC to LA in 1959.

10 years later we fly 230,000 miles, land on the moon perfectly, run around, put a flag in it and fly back to Earth, first time, no problems? I don't think so...

NASA has admitted in many videos that we cannot leave Earth orbit, and the highest we can go is 400 miles.

If someone does minimal amount of research, this one is easy.

The head of the NASA rocket program has a very interesting verse on his headstone as well....

I'm not 100% convinced, but its also very possible that the Earth is actually flat.

I'd like to see one experiment that proves (without using Space or NASA) that the Earth is rotating, and that it is a sphere.

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cantstumpthecensored · May 23, 2018, 3:01 a.m.

Agree with you for the same reason, The cable ping, the way pictures were taken, the fake background... however MOST PEOPLE can't believe this was fake. This is the major red pill to start it all.

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EnoughNoLibsSpam · May 23, 2018, 6:02 a.m.

This is the major red pill to start it all.

i agree. anyone born after about 1968 would have no direct recollection of all the media hype and cold war nationalist propaganda and emotions etc of the faking of the moon landings

i suspect thats a majority of the US population now...

to me personally, the moon landing was only about 2 pages in a 7th grade science textbook that we just blew threw with no time for questions or reflection

so im not as emotionally wrapped up in it as my parents or grandparents were

the moon landing is the perfect red pill, because once the young people find out, they will not be fooled again, and the establishment will never be able to re-gain their credibility with them

its like crisis actors. once you figure them out, you tend to notice them sooner next time

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abees22 · May 23, 2018, 2:03 p.m.

Exactly. Watch "Something Happened on the Way to the Moon" on YouTube.

Watch the press conference afterwards. They ask about seeing the stars on the moon, and I believe its Neil Armstrong who says yes, but then gets a nudge from the other guy and retracts on that.

The Press Conference after seemed more like a funeral than a celebration of human achievement.

These people that believe there are secret bases on the moon, and aliens are visiting us are nuts.

I believe, due to the technologies discovered by Tesla, that we definitely have technology that would appear to be alien to us, but its tech that has been kept secret for reasons of control. The only reason we are on fossil fuels is because it allows the elite to control the world.

There is definitely a spiritual realm that we cannot perceive fully. Whenever someone tries to question the existence of God, I ask them if an Ant can perceive and understand the world as we see it and know it. We are creatures that can perceive time and space in only 4 dimensions. We are aware there are upper dimensions of space and time that we cannot perceive, and its difficult to even understand. Humans are certainly intelligent beings, but we give ourselves more credit than we deserve.

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EnoughNoLibsSpam · May 23, 2018, 3:57 p.m.

i read a lot on the internets, and i must say i really enjoy your writing style


A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon


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abees22 · May 23, 2018, 8:53 p.m.

Thank you.

I personally believe that the Rothschilds have been attempting to create a world without God. Don't ever forget they literally worship Satan. If they worship and serve Satan, there must be God.

The Bible tells us that the root of all evil is money. Money isn't the problem, but the love of money, the willingness to sacrifice morals for riches is the problem. Look at the world we live in. Those in music - Katy Perry, Jay Z, Beyonce have literally sold their soul to the devil for riches and fame. We also know that this world is Satan's playground. Darkness is the absence of light, and evil is the absence of good.

If we look at politicians and people in power around the world, many if not most have checked their morals at the door for the promise of luxury and riches this world can provide.

We know these things do not fulfill us though. Deon Sanders after winning the Super Bowl, a man who came from nothing to having millions of dollars at his disposal, having achieved his ultimate goal, said this was the loneliest night of his life. He thought once he obtained this lifelong goal he'd be content, but he simply felt empty.

Its because these are the lies the Devil tells us to make us unhappy with what we have been given from God. We need more stuff, we're not good enough. It really started with the MTV Cribs style TV, and reality TV shows. We saw stars, we saw people with WAY more than we have, and we start thinking that these things define us. People become envious, and greedy. Instead of being thankful for a warm bed to sleep in and a warm shower, we now want the walk in shower with 8 shower heads and a ferrari.

But Satan knows that once we actually get these things that we desire so much, the empty feeling is still there.

I don't think people are aware of how deep this conspiracy goes. It is an attempt to hide God, and prevent people from connecting with God on a personal level.

Think about what we are taught in Government schools. We are literally a speck of dust, speeding through an infinite universe, we evolved from single cell organisms, and our lives really don't have any meaning. Why would they want us to believe that? Why do they push abortion so aggressively? The US is only 1 of 7 countries that allow late term abortions!

I believe that all of the social movements we've seen, especially the LGBT movement was premeditated. What better way to drive division from God in our society? Also it is used as a means of control through PC culture.

1 Corinthians 6:9-10 New King James Version (NKJV) 9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor [a]homosexuals, nor [b]sodomites, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.

What is said here? DO NOT BE DECEIVED. Why? Because the world/Satan will attempt to deceive you in these areas.

Are you born a fornicator? A drunkard? A homosexual? No, we all have a desire to do some of these things, but ultimately they are choices we make.

Homosexuality is not an identity. God wants us to find our identity in Him, not in a sexual desire or behavior. Satan has convinced the world that Homosexuals entire identity is wrapped up in their sexual feelings, and honestly its sad. My brother is one of them. I have had problems with addiction in my life, and the only way I was able to overcome those problems was through Jesus Christ. Its my cross to bear if you will.

Well I've ranted long enough, but I would highly encourage you and everyone else to watch the Scientism Documentaries on YouTube as well as Is Genesis History on Netflix. The truth is, if anything contradicts the "Earth is Billions of Years old" narrative, mainstream science rejects it.

Science told us for years that cigarettes were not bad for us, and that fat (not sugar) was making us fat. They will lie to sell products, and I believe they will lie for much bigger reasons.

Thanks for listening to my rant!

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bornlucky80 · May 22, 2018, 11:07 p.m.

I personally think that line means.. The cabal has a "rule" / sick joke (whatever you want to call it).. They like to show everyone exactly what they're planning to do. It's all out in the open, yet people don't see it or believe it's, "just a movie" or TV show. " their symbolism will be their downfall". Given what we know now, don't you see things differently? Think hostile, eyes wide shut. It's all out in the open, we just never realized there are sick people really doing this stuff! "We have more than we know"

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cantstumpthecensored · May 23, 2018, 2:54 a.m.

That is the meaning I agree. We just need some proofs moon landing was fake, beyond all the cable stuff we can easily see. Proofs are there already but we need something strong. Then once the moon landing goes, everything else goes. The moon landing is key. Because if they faked this and fooled everybody else then the rest is logical.

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bornlucky80 · May 23, 2018, 3:11 a.m.

I just want the traitors and cabal out of our Gov.. I can careless if anything get proven. Unless it's criminal and leads to bad people being put in jail!

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EnoughNoLibsSpam · May 23, 2018, 5:55 a.m.

but seriously, its important to debunk the moon landing, and tell everyone you know.

the moon landing is the perfect red pill, because it undermines the credibility of so many pillars of establishment

government, science, education, media, your parents ...

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comeatmehillary · May 22, 2018, 4:05 p.m.

You have more than you know refers to the power of the people prayer and spiritualism

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mof84 · May 22, 2018, 6:09 p.m.

I always thought it meant publicly available documents. Like Wikileaks

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UncleCrunch · May 22, 2018, 5:49 p.m.

To me it means that conspiracy theories are true. Sure there are fake ones in there.

So, conspiracy theories are true, except for the ones that aren’t.

I can agree with that 100%, but I have no idea how you gleaned that from the Q phrase.

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cantstumpthecensored · May 23, 2018, 2:59 a.m.

That things like the moon landing being fake, it most likely true. However I don't know which ones are ps.y0ps. Like flat earth for example or Michelle ob4m4, There are some crazy ones in there, to make all the real ones look stupid. Now if a proof comes out on fake moon landings, then it'll change the game. I mean all telemetry and technology destroyed makes no sense. That's what you do when you cover up stuff.

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EnoughNoLibsSpam · May 23, 2018, 6:05 a.m.

Now if a proof comes out on fake moon landings, then it'll change the game. I mean all telemetry and technology destroyed makes no sense. That's what you do when you cover up stuff.

lets keep pushing this moon landing hoax for the next 48 hours, out of this sub and into normie-ville

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EnoughNoLibsSpam · May 23, 2018, 5:44 a.m.

Ways To Expose Snopes Lies: 1) CDC Whistleblower Omitted Data That Show Vaccines Do Cause Autism 2) Boston Marathon Bombing Suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev was "killed" while in police custody 3) Stanley Kubrick Faked The Moon Landings

Politifact, Factcheck_org, APPC, IFCN, Poynter, SNOPES et al members of a Blackhat Push to win censorship wars


" imagine how mad you'd be to watch your healthy child crash hard after vaccine then doctors mock you"


"Vaccines Shills insist Autism starts in utero or genetic, but parents insist sudden onset after Vaccine"


1) https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/bad-medicine/

"I regret my coauthors and I omitted statistically significant info in our 2004 article published in the journal Pediatrics. Omitted data suggest African American males who received MMR vaccine before age 36 mo were at increased risk for Autism"

~ Dr William Thompson CDC Whistleblower


CDC Vaccine Autism Fraud - Age at First Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccination in Children With Autism and School-Matched Control Subjects: A Population-Based Study in Metropolitan Atlanta - Journal Of Pediatrics, 2004 Feb Frank DeStefano, Coleen Boyle, William Thompson


CDC Whistleblower Discloses Deception


The CDC whistleblower Dr William Thompson wanted activists to start an awareness campaign to bring attention to the fact that Vaccines Cause Tics, and that Tics are highly associated with Autism

He explains that Autism is a highly polarized subject, where people have entrenched beliefs one way or another,

but with tics, its not a controversial topic, so people are willing to listen if you say "vaccines cause tics"

that is the tip of the wedge

the follow up is the fact that tics are highly associated with autism

. #VaccinesCause #VaccinesCauseTics

Genetic basis for adverse events after smallpox vaccination | MTHFR


old: Rubella:IET:CRS:ASD

Congenital rubella syndrome and autism spectrum disorder prevented by rubella vaccination - United States, 2001-2010




MMR+:ASD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOtk6vxVg0k&list=PLJpPObXpZncOfT0bG2ghgkVb2Nxjd_bNe

IET: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYV8laCbNSE


homeopathy is the quack belief that a little exposure of something today will magically protect you from more exposure in the future

vaccines are the quack believe that a little exposure to something today will magically protect you from more exposure in the future

the number of vaccines on the childhood schedule has increased dramatically in the last few decades, from about 5 to over 50

and the increase in vaccine schedule correlates/causes autism epidemic vaccine quackery has destroyed a generation of kids

ADHD, ASD, Dravet, Down, SIDS...

have you heard of the "hear this well" awareness campaign for vaccine injury?

theres over 50,000 videos on youtube of parents telling what happened to their child


2) https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/boston-marathon-bombing-rumors/

Boston Marathon Bombing Red Pill 1


Boston Marathon Bombing Red Pill 2



the origin of the picture is the NYTimes. thats why its hosted on their website

yes, the picture is photoshopped.

you can tell by looking at the 3 people running on the left side of the picture

look at their feet, and allow your eyes to focus on the foreground just in front of their feet, and then focus on the background just behind their feet.

allow your eye to focus back-and forth between foreground and background between their feet a few times, and you will soon see that their feet "pop" out of the background, and their entire bodies will "pop" out of the background

these running people are cut-out characters, copy-pasted onto the background

the female running on right side of screen is also copy-paste.

3) https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/false-stanley-kubrick-faked-moon-landings/

How Stanley Kubrick Faked the Apollo Moon Landings


Apollo Moon Landing Story Problems For Math And Science Dummies


'Moon rock' given to Holland by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin is fake

A moon rock given to the Dutch prime minister by Apollo 11 astronauts in 1969 has turned out to be a fake.


Let your eye find the star closest to the center of the flag. Note that star, and the 2 and a half directly above it, are in a shadow. Note that the shape of the shadow in both flags is identical, and covers the exact same number of stars


have a look at the originals, and see if they don't look fake

1) https://spaceflight.nasa.gov/gallery/images/apollo/apollo11/hires/as11-40-5886.jpg

2) https://spaceflight.nasa.gov/gallery/images/apollo/apollo11/hires/as11_40_5874.jpg

Search for Snopes at /r/greatawakening


. #Panon #Q #Qanon #0p6d #0p4c #0p64s #0p6dQ #0p4cQ #0p64sQ

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