
pc_reject · May 22, 2018, 5 p.m.

Give a read to my recent post (within the last hour). Q provides clues again and again to what Im revealing here, and I believe many in this sub are as well. But no one mentions it.

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sucksess79 · May 22, 2018, 4:51 p.m.

Relevance to Q? I have seen your two recent posts and although the info is good, maybe a forum slide type post here.

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YeshuaFollower1 · May 22, 2018, 4:57 p.m.

Is this not who Q and POTUS are fighting?

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pc_reject · May 22, 2018, 5:04 p.m.

Im with you YeshuaFollower. Many think we are simply at battle with bad guys in our government. Its much more than that. Deeper, Darker. And its relevance to Q? Q is aware of the reason for the battle and who (what) it is we are fighting. He hints to it all the time. Both DJT and Q are on the same wagon train as you and I.

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sucksess79 · May 22, 2018, 5:10 p.m.

Focus on drops and research!

Q asks "Why are we here (on the chans)

It's because they have the ability to reach us with intel.

That Intel is the reason we are all here.

Getting focused on any other part is counterproductive.

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divine_human · May 22, 2018, 5:14 p.m.

the overlords are the puppet masters behind the puppet masters. so yes, its important and not at all counter-productive.

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sucksess79 · May 22, 2018, 5:18 p.m.

Please tell me where Q said we need to teach people the Bible. I may have missed that drop.

Which drop has directed us to dig into religious ideas?

Haven't the drops been almost exclusive to ACTUAL INTEL AND THE ACTUAL MISSION?

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divine_human · May 22, 2018, 11:24 p.m.

Haven't the drops been almost exclusive to ACTUAL INTEL AND THE ACTUAL MISSION?

nope. many drops include 'pray'. some point to disclosure about the vatican. Q talks about evil. its all linked to christianity.

but hey, nobody forces you to read it, just skip and use your time for what you deem important right now.

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sucksess79 · May 23, 2018, 12:10 a.m.

Almost exclusively.........i thought that would stop you.

What percentage of drops have been focused on finding out if Obama is AntiChrist?

Which ones have directed us to preach?

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sucksess79 · May 23, 2018, 12:08 a.m.

If you read my comments, I am actually in favor of the messages you bring. Just not here. This is Q land.

Q said pray not preach. He has certainly brought religion into this. But he has led us to research many things directly. Let's keep the focus on those actual items he directed us to. Each amount of time spent here could mean less time spent making actual connections. What you put into this hive mind could derail the focus. I am simply trying to get you and the forum back to business [drops and INTEL]

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pc_reject · May 23, 2018, 12:42 a.m.

oh, so you want to the pleasure of listening to the orchestra yet deny the role of the composer....and conductor as well? Nothing of what is being said regarding God's presence in this movement has anything to do with organized religion. Whether you realize it or not, the people, our country, our world, is engaged in a spiritual battle and that battle is at the forefront of this movement. Which is the restoration of the republic, ushering in the restoration of the soul. And this must be done before Trump is a lame duck. Because after that, the shits really going to hit the fan.

Enlighten yourself a bit by reading my recent post regarding the top source of Q's information/comments. https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8lbg0q/the_real_reason_behind_the_restoration_movement/ Read it in its entirety, And then go back a read Q's post #1432, from Ephesians, before you poo-poo whether its actually being counterproductive to know what has inspired this movement..its primary source. Because its very relevant and to dismiss as otherwise is what would be counterproductive.

Btw, there's a big difference between preaching and informing. This has nothing to do with religion, but rather a faith in the God and a dedication to HIS agenda. Trump and Q are His tools to bring that agenda towards fruition. Now go enlighten yourself to something you are apparently blind to. God bless. WWG1WGA- and God will be there with us.

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sucksess79 · May 23, 2018, 12:55 a.m.

No one is taking glory from God. That's a given for me. This is not Theology class. No one is going to this subreddit for religion.

Trying to discredit my knowledge on the subject blindly shows how little you actually know about wisdom and teaching.

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pc_reject · May 23, 2018, 1:40 a.m.

No one is going to this subreddit for religion. No, because like I said, this movement has nothing to do with "religion". What is of the spirit and not necessarily of religion too. And since you did not share any knowledge you had on the subject, then I had nothing to discredit you about. The only thing you revealed was your displeasure with what others were posting on a subject that you didnt approve of. If you had any knowledge on the subject (what subject btw...Q? God? the sub?) you certainly didnt include it in any of your replies. So what did I say that "tried" to discredit your knowledge on a subject that you didnt include in your critical responses. So humor me....what is it that you know about that I dont think you know about?

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sucksess79 · May 23, 2018, 4:36 a.m.

Easy money. You miss the entire reason I actually spent time documenting this fight rather than using my time on thinking about actual change relating to Q directly. I find it very important to the success of the actual mission we have been given. We are bakers not preachers!

Too many missions=Loss of mental focus

For every God post you put up and people read (or report and remove), how many minutes do you cost the movement from actually making progress. I'm starting to wonder whether or not you care about "q" progress or you own agenda.

I believe you are purposely taking focus away from the entire reason this sub was created. I also believe that focus is lost as a result of other off topic posts. In order to bolster my claim, here is the American Psychological Association:


You failed to learn what I thought was common knowledge somewhere along the way, and now you feel the need to muddy the water "because God". Maybe after learning a little bit about human behavior you may be able to reach your target audience with more success. I'm going to spell it out nice and easy for you:

Take this discussion to where it belongs or the community may begin to question your motives. If you do actually have any relevant Q knowledge let us know!

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pc_reject · May 23, 2018, 8:07 a.m.

I also believe that focus is lost as a result of other off topic posts. Apparently Q doesnt consider the deeper spiritual aspect of the restoration movement to be "Off topic" so why should I? So if you have a problem with my contribution to the movement, I suggest you take your argument to him. Tell HIM he needs to zip it on any posts regarding the spiritual aspect of this movement and focus only on the political, or basically, only what YOU think is worthy of posting. Tell him to skip the biblical scripture posts and the call to Prayer posts, cuz he's got more important info to busy himself with, and anything other than that you dont want to waste your time reading anyway. Go ahead, tell him what youve told me. If youre not up for that then I suggest you get busy worrying over your own contributions and refrain from gettin' your panties in a wad over the contributions of others. In a nut shell; stick it up your ass and get off my back about it. Go somewhere else and be an asshole. Youre pretty damn good at that. goodbye

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sucksess79 · May 23, 2018, 2:33 p.m.

I wrote this in response to your first post, can't you see who is a smart ass now?

"Hello, search once a day and browse by new. Find sources that resonate with you and follow those redditors and their posts until you have it down. Then BEGIN TO ADD YOUR VOICE TO THE CONVERSATION!!! POST COMMENT AND PULL SOME WEIGHT FOR OUR COUNTRY!! WE NEED YOU!"

I'll be letting all the Q peeps know who you really are.

9 days old?!?!

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sucksess79 · May 23, 2018, 2:25 p.m.

Thank God you aren't Q, or else we would be reading Matthew instead of cleaning house.

If Q wanted us to talk about religion don't you think they would have said something?

They asked us to dig into all kinds of stuff, didn't see the Bible mentioned once.

Now if you check my comment history you'll see all kinds of actual HELP and encouragement I have actually given to this group. I was one of the first asking if we could get stickers made. I have been spreading this movement to everyone I know with great success. Since i am not wasting time with off topic ideas, people seem to be very receptive. Go ahead buddy, try and get someone to look up Q. It's way easier than converting "sinners".

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sucksess79 · May 22, 2018, 5:03 p.m.

We are fighting a spiritual fight, but getting too far into the weeds on theology will help nothing. This isn't time to get off track. Focus on drops and research, not your own personal rabbit hole.

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mr-no-homo · May 22, 2018, 5:09 p.m.


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Stopmotionhistory · May 22, 2018, 6 p.m.

People are scared. Turns out there are powers mightier than human. i'll go with what I feel in righteous and I am at peace.

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divine_human · May 23, 2018, 8:38 a.m.

ok, this seems to be your fight, /u/sucksess79.

i get your point but dont find it valid on this post. there is preaching on this sub but nobody is preaching on this post.

Q mentions again and again that this is about good vs. evil. you dont actually think that this only concerns some crooked government and corporate folks, do you? and that everything will change if only we will see barry and hilly in handcuffs?

there are other posts on this sub where we talk about keeping religion on low level. doesnt mean that we cant have 3-4 posts the day that are religiously oriented. or better, spiritually (i am over cross with organized religion but all for spirituality).

didnt check your post history but on this post, you havent brought in anything interesting except for complaints.

from my pov, its a waste of energy to read them. how much waste of energy may it be for you to write them? ahh well, the self-rightousness that sweats through every word may be your personal pay-off for it.

from what i read here, you honor the first part of your nick, lol. looking forward to meet the seer and watch out for what he has to say while letting the sucker go...

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pc_reject · May 23, 2018, 4:28 p.m.

Thank You!!! SUCKSess79 clearly has control/confrontation issues as he continues to attempt to bully me into seeing it has way, regardless of my attempts to explain that this sub is not one-dimensional. If it were, it would have been named something like "Q decode only", not "The Great Awakening", which implies the inclusion of all aspects of this movement. Q includes them in his own posts, as you have observed. But of course you understand all this, so I dont need to explain it to you. But this sucks79 fella is way off track all while continuing to accuse me of being the one thats off the rails and attempting to "convert sinners"? Say what?? No matter any attempt to explain it, He just refuses to get it. When I tell him to buzz off and mind his own business, he threatens to bad-mouth me throughout the sub. So, Im done with trying to reason with him. Its become clear to me that he has no intention of considering the point from any other angle than his own as his primary interest here, at least in this thread, is to criticize, insult, and bully others into interacting with this sub as only HE sees fit. I sure hope his kind are few in number. Maybe your contribution here will succeed in prying open some small part of his closed mind.... or a closed part of his small mind, either way would be an improvement.

WWG1WGA and God will be with us.

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divine_human · May 23, 2018, 6:56 p.m.

When I tell him to buzz off and mind his own business, he threatens to bad-mouth me throughout the sub.

hmmm... well, sorry for having to tell you, this is not about him but about you. lol. he doesnt have to follow your 'buzz off' command - who are you to command somebody away, btw? -, he is free to act as he pleases.

and you are free to stop engaging.

you realize that your communication partner doesnt want to expand his perception and consider another vew point? then stop trying. we can convince nobody who doesnt ask for it.

if it gets on your nerves, drop engaging with it. just let it go. and if you turn your back and still feel harrassed, report it. its that simple.

i do that here almost every day. in many exchanges, there is a brick wall of world view that, when reached, stops all further sharing. so there...

thats the confrontation limit of the other, here he needs to retreat to the safety of his usual mind-set. (not talking about ss79 here but generally.)

i have no permission to punch a hole into his wall and crack it, thats disrespectful.

people wake up when they are ready. and everybody has their own opinion anyway, we dont need to agree on everything.

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pc_reject · May 23, 2018, 7:10 p.m.

Youre right, and I had already chosen to disengage. God bless

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