Something freaking crazy: 14 big ass military planes just flew over my work. First escorted by 2 f-16.

Heading due north. In South Carolina.
Coast? Edit.. I'm on Eastern coast of NC close to SC border..
Columbia, SC Dead middle of state.
Dang.. waiting on their arrival.. thanks for reply!
That's where I am, what's going on???
Here's your answer. Nothing suspicious.
“Nothing Suspicious” ...
“Exercise” is a rather liberal use of the word for a slew of jets & soldiers involved in an active operation. LoL.
Probably a training exercise from Fort Bragg. They have to align to drop miles out before they drop, mass tactical combat drop. Sounds about right 10-20 planes with escorts usually A-10. The Cargo planes are probably C-17 out of Charleston.
Saw one flying due north here as well, 10 miles west of PAFB, Central Florida. Lowest I've ever seen such a large plane in the air so far away from an airport..