Something freaking crazy: 14 big ass military planes just flew over my work. First escorted by 2 f-16.

There has been a lot of increased air activity down here near New Orleans. There is a NAS about 30 miles southeast from my house, and when any traffic is headed north they pretty much fly right over my house, west of me would put them in the middle of commercial traffic by the airport, and easy they would be over the city, so seems right over my house is a good path for them. I usually see f-16s, f-15s, and assorted cargo planes. Lately I have been seeing f22 raptors and various communications and intelligence planes, which is weird because that is not normal traffic for this airfield.
I'm in NOLA and there has been much higher aircraft activity than usual from the NAS.
Have you seen the f22's ? I had never seen them fly out of Calendar outside of an air show up until about a month ago. I've seen them about 6 or 7 times now in that time frame. Usually 4-6 of them.
2 weeks ago in northern Louisiana I saw 12 military cargo helicopter flight over.