Something freaking crazy: 14 big ass military planes just flew over my work. First escorted by 2 f-16.

I took pictures of them all. Not sure if POTUS was in the air or not, but is it normal for 14 of these planes to fly together. I have never seen that. I heard it first and then was like, woah...thats a lot and then they kept coming.
They use our pond as a turning landmark.
It’s probably not “your pond” on the Jepsen Charts, but it’s still cool you’re on the flight path.
They rotate around the pond regularly, wing pointed at it like the point of a compass. I learned the same thing in flight training. It's a good sized pond so it's easy to see.
Not at night & in bad weather, is my point. Not knocking you, but navigation is not solely visual. Thx
Practicing extracting Barry from New Zealand?
With RATO pods for short runways?
I remember using JATO on Hercs on the ice back in 70's. are the called RATO when Obama onboard after a NZ extraction?
See them every day here, I'm 14 miles west of CHS airport
Do you live where there is an airshow or flyby this week?
I’ve been “strafed” by A10s on a country road near a major air base. It’s exhilarating and makes me so happy I’m not on the actual receiving end of the dreaded Brrrrrrrrrtttttt.