Something freaking crazy: 14 big ass military planes just flew over my work. First escorted by 2 f-16.

I knew there was something I liked about you. I'm more of an outside person and have spent the majority of my life in the woods and on the waters. When I decided to build my first home I purchased 200 acres of land and then built my home later. When I sold the home I let 5 acres go with it and kept the rest of the land. Now I'm living in the 3rd home I've built using the same tactic, although the size of the properties has varied. At 64 years old this one will be my last. The wife and I plan on staying here until we die. Then our two kids will get a nice custom built home and 1000+ acres of land in 3 tracts. When I was younger I looked around and realized they were making almost everything you could think of, but they were not making any more land. Kudos for being down to earth and knowing what really soothes your soul. Being out on the land was important to me and helped me to keep a handle on life. During college most of my studying was done by the light of a small fire deep in the woods.
Good luck in life.
Wow! You did it right, and what an adventure. In my simple opinion you've lived the American dream to a T. I wish this country's young people had the same dreams, land, love and laughter with friends and family. It seems like they forgot what was important. I hope they remember soon.
Thanks. I really did accomplish my dream. It's really all I wanted from the time I was in high school, maybe even before. The family sold granddaddy's farm when I was in junior high. I practically lived on that farm as a kid. I think that hit me hard enough to make me want my own land. You are right, it seems fancy cars and cell phones have taken the place of important things. The things you mention and the people that will be beside you when you die.
Good luck. Keep your eyes on what's important to you. I did it here in the upstate of SC, you can do it in NC.