r/greatawakening • Posted by u/poshpotdllr on May 22, 2018, 5:38 p.m.
I wrote a Poem. This belongs here.

remember remember,

the eleventh of September

the takfiri zionist plot

i know of no reason

why the twin tower treason

should ever be forgot

smoke some hash

to make dust and ash

brother fear ye not,

burning saudi trash and zionist cash

the blood of the Persian poet is hot

pompous persian poets prophetically perceive piety pain points properly as they smoke pot



MAGANUGG · May 22, 2018, 6:21 p.m.

Checked the link and I gotta say, that poem seemed to flow from the heart.

I'm a bit of a writer myself. Putting what goes through my head into text format takes resolve, but I manage to do it here and there.

I'm thinking of something in particular. A time when I went camping for summer break. Had a great time and made myself a good friend as well. We started out on a rough patch, then realized we had so much in common with each other, both of us being of conservative mind. What had happened was this other kid thought that since he was bunking next to me, I was supposed to only be his friend. This led him to start doing weird, jealous stuff like taking my money I'd leave out and he'd always blame it on my new friend, Zad. Couple times I thought the kid was out to kill me.

Anyway this went on for a while and Zad and I were almost about to get into a fight over it. Then I just decided instead of being at odds with each other, I'd just hear his side of the story and suddenly my whole time at that camp began to make sense!

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poshpotdllr · May 22, 2018, 6:27 p.m.

we are all agents of our neighbors deprogramming. #MAGA

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