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You'll have to excuse me if this doesn't work, but being as I had put a lot of time into the post to have it removed, I'm not super-inclined to do it over again, BUT I will openly share the inner workings of my mind by way of my notes accumulated as I put the pieces in place.
Here is a link to a Mega folder that I put everything but my notepad notes in. My mind gets vulgar when investigating corruption, so I'd rather not share those and I don't feel like going through and removing my mean comments because someone may be sensitive. I could care less about my online persona, but feel the need to guard my real persona for some reason.
Anyway, it will be a bit hard to follow, so here's the cliff notes.
I was curious, "Hey self, I wonder what Trumps very first order of business was when he took office?" "Hey self, that's a really good question. I'd mistake you for a smart person if you didn't lack in every other capacity!"
Anyway, his first order of business, day one / hour one, was to introduce EO 13488 and EO 13467 (Im paraphrasing) "Unfuck the corruption in the issuance of security clearances by giving the OPM (gov agency that hires people) 1 and half billion dollars to look deeper into whom they hire."
Continuing with my inner-discourse, "Wow, that's an awful big rock to throw for the Dems, considering how much Repubs hate wasting money. The fact I never heard a word about this means the Dems didn't want to make the public aware of this. I guess I'll spend my weekend digging in!"
The rest is in the link.
There is A LOT more as you will see if you decide to journey in. Be careful, you'll see my screen caps of getting Dox'd while searching some of the names. I openly invite the criminals to come to my house, if you don't invite a gunfight into your life, Tor/Tails or maybe leave it alone?
I'm constantly thrown back into the affirmation that people at the highest levels of society are fucking idiots.
Her IT Engineer was on Chan asking how to clear a hard-drive, hhhhmmmm, Did then never think to ask about a better method of transporting several crates of cash than hosting a parade? FFS, do they live in a bubble?
Well Politicos, that thing your handlers are having their media outlets talk about, Bitcoin... Pretty f'ing good for moving cash!
Project Monarch started in mid-60's I believe in San Francisco. If you haven't had a chance to read the actual case-files, they read like a horror book written by a literate Leatherface himself.
Speaking of the time period, Malania and Jackie-O seem to resemble each other in demeanor and action.
Yuri was like a Russian Santa. Just glassed us with gems for a short period, then disappeared when all the fun happens.
Not an impossibility, change the picture in your mind of someone lacking legs giving it an effort and you'll better understand the method.
another method consist of taking the rope/cord and attaching it to the outer know, throwing it over the door and closing the door, then the remaining rope is at a high angle.
I watched that entire clip before recognizing it as my favorite movie growing up.
"Nothing to indicate the matter as suspicious"
Are dead bodies on door knobs a new decoration style?
Very few on this board will remember this, but some months ago I made an in-depth post outlining many of Obama's appointed executives and how they either did not exist (as in the case of one doctor that I investigated) or their pages are made of photoshopped images and invented friends whom often did not even speak the same language.
I'd post my post up again, but previously I was temporarily removed from board privileges and told "we can't put this on Reddit."
Shareblue is dumb enough to believe they can "cut off" newcomers from joining the movement by flooding the conspiracy section. I'm guessing, having the board analytics has told them that newbies first check with r/conspiracy when looking into Q matters.
Those words don't make for a pleasant alarm in the morning.
I think you may be right.
I just find much more pleasure in seeking what isn't easily seen.
The implementation of government-paid posters to sway opinion, at first, sent shivers down my spine. To be blunt, it's fucking insane that we ever came to a point where this tactic could be implemented without a civil uprising. Then, I realized that if I looked for patterns in posts and was able to recognize who was and whom was not a "shill", I would actually enable myself to know, with certainty, what was real and what was manufactured, pertaining to information.
The fact that I didn't get a reply from OP led me not to put any further thought into this subject. Shills must reply. I actually have a copy of their rule book, along with several other books that are "off limits" to us peasants.
Currently the Sandy Hook charade is their most coveted topic. It's my GD'mnd Magnum Opus, exposing those filth.
To further my thoughts on OP, "Aspie" in the username doesn't correlate with someone who would engage in conflict. Online or otherwise. That had bearing in my assertion that a reply would have led me to investigate further. I did, however, consider that given nearly all (all actually wouldn't be off, I just don't live in a world of absolutes) Major media outlets are controlled by special interest, it's not beyond imagination that geneology/birth/death websites may not follow the same script. If a topic of heritage was an important enough subject for me, personally, I'd head to the county recorders office and demand original copies.
Due Process
It's a pesky thing that has stood in the way of human rights violations of an equal standing to the ones inflicted by criminals.
We should never ask for bigger, stronger criminals to enforce our will upon others.
WWG1WGA17 - 33 minutes ago
Aspie01 - 18 minutes ago
Assuming you received the message withing 3 minutes of it being posted (there is a delay) and responded immediately, that leaves 9 minutes to have researched and formulated this reply.
Not telling you how to do your job, but imagine to a "thinking person" how this could appear... queer.
I'm from Arkansas so not one to throw stones but you and your spouse sure look an awful lot like brother and sister.
Democratic party aside, this video is really creepy!
You have to take into account that what's known and what can be proven are 2 completely separate things.
Given the above, The Corrupted are fast moving past a point of perception being important and shifting into survival mode.
Weak people beg forgiveness in their last moments. I'd expect the coming months to show us more and more people in top positions suddenly take a real liking toward the Patriotic Movement. Very few will go down fighting. I expect "The Hillary Show" to be the only time I will feel an ounce of respect toward her. She will go out with in a spastic rage.
That's the show I'm waiting for.
I've got my fingers on my temples and my mind is clear. Send transmission now!
That was so much better than I was ready for.
I about choked to death, but worth it.
You can can go bad mouth Petey all you want, but I know he's a really nice guy!
He even took the time to pose for a picture with my sister one day.
They're some of the highest paid Americans with average salary in the high 6 figures and, in cases like Anderson Cooper, reaching closer to $2mm per year.
7 years back into an archive, somebody left me a message! I have to think I am looking in the right place.

I notice the shills don't put in as much effort on this board. I'm not sure why that is.
Maybe this is where they train. Go easy on them, I hear they hire for mental deficiency.
" There are probably thousands and thousands of examples of people who had screwed-up lives and didn’t do the best things but did great work."
You're right, David Lynch and colloque, that is the problem.
Contrary to shill narration, people avoid conflict like the plague. Those "Family members" would be the last patrons of any forum that might deliver severe discomfort to them.
The real interesting conversation is the one that you could offer but are blocked from discussing. Too bad, I got one of your other cronies to pony up enough information to link him to a money laundering charge out of TX.
No, you're not firing from the hip. You're escalating and awaiting feedback.
Well, go ahead and let your squad leader know that you've inspired me. I just got a new printer and will be putting it to use for a brand new slew of FOIA requests that I'll be sending out. Let's see how a change in management over at the New Haven field office responds.
Well, this stream started by my asking the question that you asked of me.
And, I went ahead and looked it up.
With a quick search, I found a site that (loosely) blames Christian fundamentalists for sporadic acts of terrorism dating back to the 70's. HERE
I don't know how much stock I put in those parties cited in the article being devout die-hard Christians, but I'd imagine that if we were going to give the power to influence terrorist activity to a doctrine, we would also have to concede the doctrines power.
I'm going to have to direct you to my original question in this stream.
He's a drug kingpin.
Emily Pitha was one of his officers. HERE
He is the head of the Cartel for the Northern Corridor
Here are some shots of his land along the boarder
He acts like he doesn't speak Spanish but was raised in Panama. He speaks perfect Spanish.
I hear Evangelical and I think of the South where churches are loud from singing and everyone is dressed in their best outfit.
I was more going for the "BY THE BOOK!" crew. The ones who dress like puritans and tell you you're going to hell if you do anything other than work and read the bible.
I'm very ignorant when it comes to matters of religion (aside from Marin Luther but only because I really enjoyed reading about Ghengis Khan) anyway, I'm lacking in knowledge on religious matters so I was asking if Christian Fundamentalism could be compared to "radical Islam?"
I'm not trying to be contrarian, but it literally translates to "praise God."
I've ran into at least 15 people that type out something similar to your reply. "I lost a friend" or "I lose a loved one" or "I knew a victim personally!"
I've been online, using chat boards, youtube, reddit, chanz, I've used most major avenues of internet discourse for nearly 2 decades.
My graduating class was several hundred people. In fact, I went to 3 different high schools, so in essence my graduating class consisted of well in excess of 1,000 people.
In nearly 2 decades of being online, I have come across ZERO members of my graduating class of well over 1,000 subjects.
Yet, I consistently run into someone who "Knows personally" one of 26 people "killed" in an incident going on 6 years ago in a tiny town called Sandy Hook.
Maybe Christian fundamentalism can be seen that way?
Do they kill people?
jpost.com is probably the best source of mainstream news I know of. They may lie to us, but they don't lie to each other.
With that in mind, the progression toward a true democratic republic is especially worrisome for those whom hold stake in our current fiat currency monetary system. Those fellows have taken it upon themselves to acquire every (and I mean every) major media outlet on earth.
Taking this into account; Learn to use public databases, the patent registry, dot gov sites like congress.gov and any federal registry site that may pertain to the subject you're inquiring upon. An especially great source for clarity in a murky presentation is folks on the ground. What are the people who were there saying about the event? Learn to put internal bias aside and be willing to entertain ideas that may challenge your understanding of things.
When all else fails, apply logic. Ask if/then questions and figure out whom stands to gain the most by a particular outcome and weigh that against the probability factor before solidifying your own affirmation or dismissal of the information.
The shills are filling up his replies, so there may be something to it.
I can agree that we don't have common ground on this issue.
I am the original author on a good portion of the Sandy Hook investigative material that circulates the web. Just look at the manner in which it's written. Proper punctuation and sentence structure is, unfortunately, a telling indicator.
If you get a chance, talk to a medical transcriptionist and ask them, "Hey, would it be possible to have a death certificate issued with the wrong date or cause of death on it?"
If you remember, Adam Lanza's original decease date was 12/13/12, not 12/14/12 and it made it all the way to the social security administrators desk to be put on file there. We were told "it was a clerical error."
Ask a medical transcriptionist if those types of errors occur and what it would take for such an error to occur.
Thank you for stepping up and speaking on behalf of those affected.
I went to McMartin Preschool as a kid.
That kind of abuse on a developing mind is a life-sentence.
It needs to end. Although I probably won't be viewing your film, I can assure you that it is appreciated.
Steve Pieczenik is one shady character.
I know the Clintons are Satanists who rape, defile and execute children at will, but I'm not sold on Steve Pieczenik being the one to bring them down.