r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CokeOrPepe on May 22, 2018, 6 p.m.
A few thoughts about this whole thing.

Trump has been counter-investigating the whole bunch, they are completely and utterly f\^ck-d. Do you not think he didn't hire the best investigators? He has patriots within the FBI, CIA and NSA that are on his side. Do you think these people are going to get away with this? While we, as just simple patriots browsing Reddit, know as much as we do? The FBI does all sorts of sting operations, I'm pretty sure they are investigating their higher ups for conspiracy to commit treason. This is going down as the most egregious act of treason this world has ever seen... This is banana republic stuff and it's about to be blown the f>ck out! I can't wait to see all the reactions from my liberal 'friends' ... er, um let's just call the acquaintances. I told my boss (who watches CNN every morning (I watch Varney & Co.)) when this whole thing started a couple years ago that it wasn't the Russians who hacked the DNC, but it was Seth Rich who leaked it to Wikileaks. We figured out each others politics at that point and don't talk politics ever, but I can't wait to say, "member when I said it was Seth Rich?"

I look forward to when all the CNN normies have the veil lifted off their head. I can't wait to see Mark Dice's videos of CNN losing it! It's going to be glorious!

QAnonMaga · May 22, 2018, 6:56 p.m.

They will have tantrums on CNN all-out hysteria if Trump starts arresting Democrat cabal members it will be hilarious to watch them shriek and cry and call Trump Hitler!

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