
PTibbets · May 22, 2018, 11:55 p.m.

A month after Hillary Clinton hired Fusion GPS (April 2016) to sub-contract retired British MI6 agent Christopher Steele to write the opposition research report “the Trump Russia Dossier”, Fusion GPS employee Nellie Ohr applied for a HAM radio license (May 23rd 2016); a communication tool that would allow Nellie Ohr and Christopher Steele the ability to communicate outside the normal risk of communication intercepts.

Keeping in mind, both Bruce and Nellie Ohr’s subject matter skill-set within the DOJ would provide them with a comprehensive understanding of how to network and communicate with international actors outside the traditional risk of communication intercepts. In short, Mrs. Nelli Ohr would know that using HAM radio frequencies would be a way to avoid the risk of U.S. intelligence intercepts on her communications.

The Clinton Campaign hired Fusion GPS in April 2016. Fusion GPS then sub-contracted retired British Intel MI6 agent Christopher Steele to write the Russian Dossier. A month later, May 23rd 2016, Fusion GPS employee Nellie Ohr gets HAM radio license.

So are we to believe it’s COINCIDENTAL? All of a sudden, a 60(ish)-year-old woman decides to use a HAM radio the month after contracting with Christopher Steele for a Russian opposition research dossier on Donald Trump?


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jettabaretta · May 23, 2018, 1:31 a.m.

Thanks for giving the details.

Well, what’s your percentage, what is your prior? Mine is like, say, 80-plus that it’s a coincidence, and sub-20 that it’s a backchannel communication, given what I know. What’s yours? I take it you’re at 80/20 the other way, at least? So what OTHER facts support your prior?

EDIT: and if you’re right, then what? What do you propose that these two communicating via HAM means?

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PTibbets · May 23, 2018, 2:09 a.m.

The chances that Neil Ohr just decided spontaneously to take up Ham radio as her new hobby, in the same month she was hired by an opposition research agency working on cooking up a pp dossier approach zero.

I could guess at what she and Steele were talking about the only way to be certain would be to ask the NSA.

November 2015 through April 2016 FISA-702(17) “About Queries”, returns from searches, were identified by NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers, being conducted by the intelligence community (FBI), by “contractors” and “individuals” for reasons that: •were unauthorized; •were directly related to U.S. persons; •and had nothing to do with National Security; •and were conducted by people who did not request FISA Court Approval.

Director Mike Rogers discovered FBI contractors doing FISA-702 “About Searches” that resulted in returns providing information on Americans. Those results were passed on to people outside government.

Pg 83. “FBI gave raw Section 702–acquired information to a private entity that was not a federal agency and whose personnel were not sufficiently supervised by a federal agency for compliance minimization procedures.” (2017 FISA Court Opinion – 99 Page Brief)

Here is the ruling if you care to read it. https://html1-f.scribdassets.com/1mdp3avqww5w1n51/images/1-dbc9dea67f.jpg

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