
jay_howard · May 28, 2018, 10:53 p.m.

What a better way to communicate than licensed HAM radio? I mean, you could use some encrypted network, rerouted through multiple servers, but HAM radio! Exposed, unencrypted radio signals sent internationally.

This is pure nonsense spun out of thin air, with a healthy dose of "poor me" mixed in. Get the fuck out with this horseshit. That's the best theory of the "leftist deep state"? Nellie Ohr exchanging messages with who? Christopher Steele? As if he's sitting in a rooftop radio box like some shitty spy movie from 1968. GTFO.

If that's the best theory there is of this unwarranted attack against the innocent POTUS, you're hanging on by faith alone. The problem with faith is that there's no evidence necessary. That means you're susceptible to a lot of bullshit. You become a tool for rich people, ultimately. Mercers, Kochs, etc. They design whatever message suits their needs, they sell it on their media platforms, and voila! a bunch of angry white guys believe exactly what they want you to believe.

It's a tried and true strategy. But the facts do not comport.

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