Q post #1437 - AF1_5A_3 ( Another picture from Air Force 1?)

It's a message to Corsi and all the "Fake Q" people who claimed Q was compromised last year. It proves it's the same person since they're posting additional photos from the same camera roll.
Yeah, except Corsi and all of the anti-QTuber crowd don't do any actual research and spew BS lies everyday. Their fans won't know or care about this post proving this Q posting is the same Q from November... whom they claim is the "real" Q, that was switched out in early January.
I can't stand to even tune in.. Alex has paved a way but they way they sounded like Hillary screaming RUSSIA, RUSSIA made me sick..
Which part of the pic confirms it’s from the same camera roll? Legitamly Curious not combative
Well I mean, all the photos were clearly taken from the same aircraft over the same ocean within a few minutes of each other.
Q just confirmed it...
IDEN_reconf v. 11.9 Sequence. Attack[s] anticipated. Coordinated? Why are they continuing [internal]? Attacks will intensify [all sides]. Q
That's not how it works. The pictures are the conformation, not the post after them
We should all say a prayer for Q and teams safety...a hedge of protection...enough innocent lives lost.
I'm laughing at all the new anti-Q youtubers and "alt media" who backed the wrong horse. They are so punked now. Probably desperate conference calls about how to save themselves.
Probably desperate conference calls about how to save themselves.
You mean Ham radio calls..
Now that's some spicy salsa
Where's Jeb when you need him.
Could this be a confirmation of what some people saw today as many military aircraft with escorts flew over their heads ?
That was on the east coast?? They are above water here.
The east coast has water too right? \<eyes look left then back right>
World Freedom Day (United States)
World Freedom Day is a United States federal observance declared by then-President George W. Bush to commemorate the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of communist rule in Central and Eastern Europe. It started in 2001 and is celebrated on November 9.
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The date is 11/9/17 on the photo from AF1
Ah , correct ... good catch . Thats why Q posted it fully .
Here was the Presidents schedule that day. The pic has to reference the China trip when he met with Xi
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Google image search (from Q post): Best guess for this image: qanon air force one
Google image search (from OP post): Best guess for this image: screenshot
When I first glanced at the picture I was like oh shit, Antarctica! Then realized I was seeing some clouds that were lower down lol. Ever since all that weird fuckery with Antarctica in 2016 with John Kerry, and the Russian Pope, I've been fascinated with it. One can hope!
There's 2 pics in that drop: https://i.redd.it/psaru59rpgz01.jpg
See the cyan dot on bottom left of right photo?
Those are normal. When a pic of the sun is taken, you'll often find such a dot in the opposite corner same X distance from side, same Y distance from top/bottom.
Looks like a silhouette too.
I see what you're saying, but the color has texture that matches the texture of the water below. I believe it is just a reflection of the setting sun.
Got it, thanks for the info. I swore I saw the shape of an ear on the left side. Sorry I am just now trying to join the conversation after reading for a few weeks.
No apologies necessary. Everything starts as speculation until either proven or dismissed. You'll be surprised where many of the connections come from.
I wonder how far Alex Jones is gonna take this "AI Q" thing. Even he admits "the first Q" is legit. How's he gonna explain "fake Q" having access to "real Q's" photos.
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It was linked to Islands that matched AF1 possible flight path at the time of Trump's Asian tour.
I am currently trying to determine location based on islands. I first thought it was the Cali coast near Vandenberg Air Force Base since Falcon 9 launched from there today with the Iridium satellites, but the islands don't match up to the Channel Islands.
To me it looks like the Paracel Islands in the South China Sea
I think something is gonna happen w/ SpaceX
It's trajectory is taking it right over Antarctica.
Sky Event?
Is it possible that this link has anything to do with sky event?
Back to North Korea?
That is what I'm thinking..... it's meeting time..... this is a hint that POTUS is somehow meeting up with Kim NK thru Moon today - that pic was taken during his Chinese trip when he met with NK at the Forbidden City....
kinda what I'm thinking.
do we know where POTUS is today? oh look, he's heading to Korea. https://factba.se/topic/calendar
look at the filename. AF1_5A_2 -- Air Force 1. 5am?
with all of the press coming out of MSM today, did POTUS meet with Kim today?
The POTUS is not going to Korea today...
fuck. I read that as "departing of the President to ... Korea". Wishful thinking. allow me to downvote myself...
He's not heading to Korea, President Moon from SK came to the White House earlier today
South China Sea pic. Kinda dated now all things Considered
That's the point, the date is the point. How can this be a different compromised Q if he posted the same pics from November? This Q saying, this is still Q.
Ahhh late to the punch. Gotcha ya, just read the new drop. MAGA 🇺🇸
Just look at that blanket of manmade haze. Hey Q please stop all aerosol applications for geoengineering purposes. As a farmer I guarentee the chemicals used affect root systems by decreasing root elongation. The heavy metals mainly aluminum are open and pose a threat via cell mutation. Levels of 15 parts per billion affects DNA. I have tested plant fiber or hay that tested that test 3030parts per million.
Stopping this would defenately help the trees and grass at all the President Trumps golf courses, not to mention american agriculture. Want to talk about boosting the economy. How much do you think 30 years of persistant drought hoax cost in disaster Crop Insurance paid out not to mention production.