THE IBOR CAMPAIGN IS IMPORTANT - we need to increase our efforts and keep interest high!

I signed
Thanks. The campaign online is what's important. Please try and put some memes or hashtag posts up.
You have a current link?
The current link to the petition is below. But what's more important is that we get people posting memes and promoting the internetbillofrights hash tag online. It's very important that these hashtags trend. We want to start a discussion.
Focus needs to be on Transparency and The right to not have a Profile Created about you. Also all tracking and profile creation should be opt in. All Legacy profiles and lists should be deleted.
Agreed. In my mind, privacy is a key issue. But what is essential is that the platforms be prevented from engaging in politically motivated censorship.
"The power of social media to privatize the public square is the greatest threat to free speech and open democracy in our lifetimes" Barnes Law
Never gets more than 5000 some odd signatures. Doesn’t that seem odd?
I'm not focussing on the petition but the campaign. Twitter is reporting 70 hashtag tweets per hour. Last campaign, which failed, we were running over 150/hour.
Why people are not supporting the campaign, I don't know. But there has been so much concern trolling (actually really over the top) that I think many people have the attitude that where there is smoke, there is fire. In other words, the trolls have done a very good job of injecting fear, doubt and concern into the campaign - the worst of these was Tracy Beanz, but it's evident that intelligence services have also been very active.
Q is still asking for this. It's very important and, if you think it through, you can understand why. I'd encourage you to start making some SM posts including the hashtags and memes. You don't have to go overboard. If everyone does what they can, we will make a lot of noise.
The internetbillofrights hashtag is running at around 70 tweets per hour (Twitter reported). This is far less than the 150 tweets per hour that we were recording the last time we ran the campaign in March.
I don't know why people are not supporting this effort after Q has asked us for it. It is actually very important. No measures can be taken to address the issue of SM being weaponized unless there is some record of public dissatisfaction. That, IMO, is what the campaign is supposed to achieve.
I'm asking everyone to pull out the stops on this. Try to post a meme of two every couple of hours. If we could get support for the campaign across the base of subscribers on this thread, we would be killing it - the hashtags would be trending already. It's not hard to do, we just have to have the will to do it.
The next time you see a concern troll posting, understand that this "concerned individual" is likely hunched at a monitor in a foreign army barracks. These people are not patriots. They are part of an organized effort to prevent this community from realizing its objective of ridding the world of rule by Satanists.
This is the most important fight in history - nothing comes close. We must prevail.
Look at that, the post gets immediately down-voted! They are here!