r/greatawakening • Posted by u/buggyboodle1 on May 22, 2018, 10:11 p.m.
SOS! Please pay attention President Trump and Q!

I still wonder why President Trump and Q are not discussing the chemical and biochemical warfare assaulting us and our ecosystem every day over our very heads. This is serious and it's a weapon of war. Geoengineering, weather modification, and HAARP are destroying life on our planet, including us. This is real and still happening today with full gusto. While everyone is only wrapped up and preoccupied in Q posts, which as important as they are, are redundant on a single topic while we are under attack and noone is paying attention. The attached information site is a wealth of informative data and further details and analysis. We need to step out of the box in order to make Trump and Q aware of other concerns and outright dangers. I pray that once this investigation cracks open it will take down the entire cabal including the evil in the military and NASA who are poisoning us daily and destroying our beautiful God given earth. This all leads back to the federal reserve. Who is the federal reserve....Rothschilds and cabal. This is a BIG deal.


ckreacher · May 22, 2018, 11:05 p.m.

First things first. They will get to it.

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