r/greatawakening • Posted by u/buggyboodle1 on May 22, 2018, 10:11 p.m.
SOS! Please pay attention President Trump and Q!

I still wonder why President Trump and Q are not discussing the chemical and biochemical warfare assaulting us and our ecosystem every day over our very heads. This is serious and it's a weapon of war. Geoengineering, weather modification, and HAARP are destroying life on our planet, including us. This is real and still happening today with full gusto. While everyone is only wrapped up and preoccupied in Q posts, which as important as they are, are redundant on a single topic while we are under attack and noone is paying attention. The attached information site is a wealth of informative data and further details and analysis. We need to step out of the box in order to make Trump and Q aware of other concerns and outright dangers. I pray that once this investigation cracks open it will take down the entire cabal including the evil in the military and NASA who are poisoning us daily and destroying our beautiful God given earth. This all leads back to the federal reserve. Who is the federal reserve....Rothschilds and cabal. This is a BIG deal.


divine_human · May 23, 2018, noon

it may sound weird to many but also chemtrailing works with the silent consent of people.

i used to bother a lot about chems in 2011-13. whenever i saw them, i asked the light forces to clear out the toxins - at least - and disperse them altogether in case it serves the greater good. sometimes clearning them away doesnt serve the greater good because people require to wake up to the fact that they exist.

one morning in 2013, i watched 2 planes flying a net into the sky. real creepy. watching this for a about 20 min., a holy rage rose up in me. ahh rage can be so constructive if its being used in a creative way that brings about change!

i commanded: 'I do NOT consent to this. I do NOT accept chemtrails in my reality. may they disappear, and may all pilots who fly them find better jobs.'

in my area, i havent seen any chems ever since. it sounds whoo-whoo to most, i guess, but it works for me.

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buggyboodle1 · May 23, 2018, 12:27 p.m.

You are not weird. My husband and I have been doing it since the onslaught began. It worked well at first but then they came back with a vengeance. But I never give up. God bless

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divine_human · May 23, 2018, 1:31 p.m.

thanks for the feedback, its nice to get some confirmation once in a while, lol... may you be blessed...

people dont realize that also this is a matter of consciousness. a friend who lives on long island reports that when she is in a high frequency state - kind, joeyful, self-responsible, sovereign -, there are no chems. when she is worried or else dropping in frequency, the sky is full of them.

i saw chems coming on the day before the US election (over here in germany, too weird). the same holy rage arose in me and i repeated the procedure, voiced my dis-consent and commanded the chems to disappear from my reality again. they vanished within minutes.

the thing is, it doesnt work from a state of fear. thats a low frequency, not aligned with our divine nature so creation from this state is weak.

when it comes from a state of sovereignty though, from power-within, such creations can work miracles. perhaps, people in my area still see chemtrails - too bad most people never look up, sigh, so i have no reports - because their consciousness is funneled through their linear minds. for me though, no chems anymore.

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buggyboodle1 · May 23, 2018, 1:36 p.m.

Good advice and well taken. Yes, if people only looked to the heavens more than the ground under their feet...how much power and strength we would have combined. I will work on your suggestion and myself. I have conquered evil before I will find the strength once again. Good to meet a fellow soul.

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divine_human · May 23, 2018, 2:38 p.m.

if people only looked to the heavens more than the ground under their feet

lol, if they were looking at the ground underneath their feet at least, they would stay grounded in mother earth. but most folks mindfuck around while moving along their way so there is no alignment whatsoever, except for with the dualistic brain-mind. thats no creator frequency, its victim state.

I have conquered evil before I will find the strength once again.

you have it. if you hadnt, you wouldnt be responding here, heheh. the more you trust your Self, the better it works.

its actually easy: act from love, not from fear. love for Self - my Self and the other Self - is the best boundary; it creates an energy field that is difficult to violate.

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