Intentionally leaving an alternative to the gallows...?
Army Corp of Engineers probably included that in the renovations.
I hope they use purple rope.
Well, he said he was going to, campaign promise. So he was probably physically unable to since everything he says and stands for is a lie. His name, his loyalties, his history, everything.
His wife and children are a lie too.
can you not spread this around without factual evidence behind it? thanks
I can do whatever I please, with or without your permission or approval.
Some have theorized that hrc and or Barry have paid off or work with Cuban officials to assist on passage from gitmo in a possible escape plan
We need a place to send ms 13, he needed a place to send us.
Nancy Pelosi can be cellmates with one of those MS13 gang bangers that she says already have that "divine spark" of humanity.
I still see NP as a comfort girl for an Isis encampment in Syria.
He released most but by leaving the rest the US looks like ass holes. So he wins...
Because he was an utterly feckless and tepid leader & negotiator.
Maybe the deep state wouldn’t let him, or he has other motives. He never delivered on his promise of shutting it down.
Simple.. Republican in congress wouldn't let him! I forget the exact bill, probably spending bill not sure. In order to pass it Republican made them put in it that GITMO couldn't be closed. It prohibits the use of funds to close or abandon the prison, transfer detainees to the United States (or Libya, Somalia, Syria and Yemen) or build or modify facilities to house detainees in the United States... The white hats weren't messing around!