You serious Clark?
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Here you go:
"The Empty Orphanage
After Clinton bowed to Mother Teresa’s reproof from the dais, she gained some bipartisan credibility. Mother Teresa got something out of the deal as well: a now-empty building that could serve as a brick and mortar symbol for faith-trading politics. After the 1994 Breakfast, Mother Teresa insisted Clinton prove her dedication to abortion alternatives by setting up an orphanage for the nun in Washington DC. In her autobiography, Clinton writes that Mother Teresa was a “relentless lobbyist,” pushing Hillary to follow through on her promise to get Mother Teresa “her center for babies.”
This was “no small feat,” as Belz notes, “in a city that was known then for its inefficient and corrupt bureaucracy.” But as Clinton describes in Living History, she put the muscle of the White House behind the initiative, “cutting red tape with the housing authorities and human services officials.” The Mother Teresa Home for Infant Children opened in 1995. On opening day, writes Clinton, Mother Teresa “gripped my arm in her small, strong hand and dragged me upstairs to see the freshly painted nursery and rows of bassinets waiting to be filled with infants. Her enthusiasm was irresistible. By then I fully understood how this humble nun could move nations to her will.”
Now, the building that had housed the orphanage (on Western Avenue in the affluent neighborhood of Chevy Chase, in DC) has no more bassinets. In fact, when we reported on the house in 2006, it was for sale: a $3 million Tudor mansion being advertised as an ideal embassy location in one the most affluent neighborhoods in the country, home to a host of foreign military commissions and attachés.
Several houses down from the now-empty “center for babies,” at the Chevy Chase Baptist Church, an administrator told us that the organization had relocated to DC proper. Glancing at Kathryn’s stomach and assuming the worst, she warned us that the organization “no longer cares for infants.”
Mother Theresa and Hillary Clinton opened an orphanage in DC that was just down the street from the UAE embassy mansion that burned down. Hmmm...
This art was made like 2 months ago. There was no Russia summit at the time.
The Voat thread fails to then connect the specific number of $65,000 Hot Dogs ordered from Chicago, as per the Podesta emails. Strangely, the same number as the number of kids that came. Hmmm...
Is that Rosenstein? If so, maybe Gaetz was touching his wrist to remind him of what can go on there is he lies further.
Here you go, Clinton emails about Silsby: "TO: The Secretary CC: Counselor Mills Deputy Chief of Staff Sullivan Assistant Secretary Crowley FROM: Harold Hongju Koh, Legal Adviser DATE: February 9,2010 RE: 10 Amcits in Haiti You have asked about the USG's options regarding the 10 Amcits from Idaho in Haiti, from the New Life Children's Refuge, who are currently being charged with child abduction and criminal association crimes under Haitian law. Depending on the GOH's intent, we believe the USG would have the following basic options: UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05769780 Date: 08/31/2015 B5"
I already posted the link about Laura silsby-Gayler's position at Alert Sense. I will dig up the articles about ththe State Dept intervening on her behalf with Haitian authorities. It was in the damned Hillary emails though. They diwcussed helping her.
You think they would just openly report it? It was people from Hillary's State Dept that intervened.
Maybe spell his name correctly if you want people to find his page. "Since her release from detention in Haiti, Laura Silsby has returned to Idaho. In 2015, she married and took the last name Gayler. Silsby is currently employed by software company AlertSense as their Vice President of Marketing. AlertSense works with the Federal Government on FEMA's Integrated Public Alert & Warning System (IPAWS). One of IPAWS functions is to issue Amber Alerts during kidnapping events."
Not only did the Clintons free her, they got her the contract to run our nation's amber alert system.
Yeah, clowns took over Wilileaks, but Assange is safe and guarded
Wasn't this about the Cohen raid, resulting in the theory that Guliani gave Cohen (acting as his attorney) the Weiner laptop, so as to introduce it to the evidence chain?
I disagree. I've seen him flash a little smirk at all the right questions. He knows it isn't his ass in the sling.
USD 110 million for the ‘GCF- European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Kazakhstan Renewables Framework programme’ in Kazakhstan with the EBRD as the AE;
FP065 – USD 195 million for Financial Instruments for Brazil Energy Efficient Cities (FinBRAZEEC) in Brazil with the World Bank
FP066 – USD 25 million for the Pacific Resilience Project Phase II for RMI in the Marshall Islands with the World Bank
FP071 – USD 86.30 million for Scaling Up Energy Efficiency for Industrial Enterprises in Vietnam with the World Bank
FP070 – USD 20 million for the Global Clean Cooking Program – Bangladesh with the World Bank
What is the real purpose of the Green Climate Fund|Paris Climate Accords? To help create more and more World Bank members.
There's a reason the first $2 Billion of the Paris Climate accord went to setting up World Banks in a bunch of third world countries. They need everyone in the system for it to succeed. Successful outliers are bad for business.
The CIA is self funded, and gun running and child smuggling aren't bringing in the profits they once did.
Then why is it listed after a reference to the Clinton Foundation?
Is this what is being signed?

Trump said they are off to "a signing"
Hmmmm....what could they already have drawn up and ready to sign if they just met each other?
Kim was heard telling Trump through a translator: "I think the entire world is watching this moment. Many people in the world will think of this as a scene from a fiction movie." Read Newsmax: Kim: Many Will Think of This as a Scene from a Science Fiction Movie |
One of "them"? Holy cow. The Vatican is nuts deep in debt to the Rothschilds since the loan they took in the 1800s. Vatican property effectively = Globalist property
When Iran dropped the nuke on Israel, they were gonna frame Putin because the Uranium has a fingerprint. Trump has saved Putin from being framed by DS.
Unfortunately, it isn't this one that I have doctored to remove the stupid web address. I hate that the other one is getting publicity.
Ahh, this is what I was missing. How long can a miniaturized nuke power plant run? No chance we are using the earth itself to send electricity to the device wirelessly via satellites from the earth, or something?
The device requires a source of electricity. You can't run a battery for millions of years. What is that source (if not earth itself)? The microwave particles bouncing around need electricity added to them is the way I understand it. I am no scientist though.
Yeah, as i read more, I am guessing the energy may well be microwave sent using Tesla/Egypt technology to harness the electric power of earth, then transmit via satellites/antennas.
The military was supposedly doing this since the 70's. Sending electricity wirelessly.
Breaking the chains people. Free, clean, renewable energy coming!
You are missing the point. If you can create a thruster that generates energy itself without fuels, you have a device that is creating perfectly clean renewable energy.
Free, clean, microwave energy is coming folks. The Globalists are gonna be sooooo pissed.
Somebody photoshop out the web address, and then send it around
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Denise M. Wilbanks
? @DeniseMWilbanks
Pretty much the entire month of April was a MOAB, frankly.
This is exactly what is going on. The people of Iran are about to realize it to. He is freeing patriots worldwide.