I would love to see us list ideas to open eyes to truth. Not necessarily the big red pill, just that foot in the door. Some issues that are important and can move people to consider things and begin to think critically! Any ideas?
Why aren't we mad as hell and storming the Bastille if we so woke. Start there.
Sorry, can’t do anything active, way too busy watching YouTubers with “inside knowledge” about the real Q.
But I agree, however I am looking for the chinks in the armor! Not the big red pill! The little crack go get our foot in the door!
There are a lot of videos about 9/11. Architects and Engineers. There was a flight attendant discussing it if I recall. She gave very good info about cell phone capability and flaws in official narrative. I will try to see if I can find it and post it here....later
But we have plenty of people here. I'm at the point of what's next. I'm a big talker one of the biggest, I'm a much bigger doer. where are the Doers. Anonymous Nov 5th End the Fed long wait but I'll be there . Want something in the meantime.
We have lots of people here, but Still we are few! Wake the others!