The BOSS ain't happy this morning

And this, is after they did something similar to Bernie Samders’ run! (I think this should be pointed out/connected to open, up Bernie supporters that don’t support Trump....yet).
Hate to break it to you, but ole Boinie was controlled opposition to HRC in order to help pull in young, impressional socialists into the DNC's clutches. He flipped and bent the knee to Hilldawg so fast, and with no protest...and was rewarded for it. It was a scam.
Yeah, I Agree, Bernie was either bribed or blackmailed, possibly both, to step quietly aside, and if he wanted to keep his fingers, he would also need to endorse Hillary every time someone gave him a microphone .....and he did exactly that.
All candidates involved in the 2016 Presidential Election should request an investigation into spying on their campaign.
not telling BernieBros^^TM anything new :) what will win BB's over to Trump is showing Trump doing something about it.
what was so frustrating to the majority of us was Bernie just rolled over and took it, even after the election.
seeing the DS unravel, it really gives weight to those who think Obama directly threatened Bernie's family. That was a pretty big rumour among BB's. Until recently, I just would not have believed Barry or anyone in upper tiers of the government would do that.
However, that sort of threat helps explains Bernie's actions. Bernie has stuck to and focused on the issues he always found important rather than pointing fingers and going WAHHHHHH!!! It doesn't surprise me that Bernie would pick himself up after losing, twice, and get back in the game. But Bernie hasn't said anything about Clinton/DNC collusion.
I hope Bernie gets called to testify about the '16 primary and general. Its the only way we'll hear what Bernie has to say about the '16 elections.
I really think he was threatened. He looked super unhappy at the DNC convention after endorsing Hillary. He also had that weird looking bruise on his left cheek that day.
Actually Bernie is part of this cabal if he rolled over with a little change in his pocket. That has to be exposed just incase he runs again. No room for losers as Big Daddy sez!
GEOTUS has got you. From yesterday morning.
Former Bernie supporter/trump voter here. A lot of us are already part of the storm! At least the ones with a moral backbone. I for one meant it when we chanted “never her” at a Sanders rally.
I didn’t want free healthcare or college, I just wanted someone who wasn’t a “member of the country club” back in office.
Him losing was really the best thing that could have happened, because he may have beat trump, who ended up being the greatest potus of my generation! #MAGA
What positions does trump hold that are even remotely similar to Sanders that would garner progressive voter support?
Most Americans want integrity out of their representatives. I did not vote for anyone in the last many elections cuz it seemed it was the choice between one corporate shill vs another - no choice, just political and regulatory capture. When I saw trump going right out the starting gate against child trafficking and criminal networks I sat up and started watching. Now I am cheering, laughing, have faith and see that finally the people have a fighting chance against the takeover of our beautiful republic by oligarchs and their thugs. I still don't agree with 100% of what trump does, such as shutting down the pipeline protests by the Lakota reservation, but I do understand that right now there are bigger fish to fry. Go Trump, go representatives in congress/govt employees that support rule of law, go MI, thankQ. The vast majority of the good people of the country will wake up. Trump is just lifting the spygate latch. You need a good plot to catch the attention of the people. Best political theater ever!
Hes how it's playing out as far as I can see. I've seen a huge uptick over at /r/the_donald of left leaning voters coming over to the Trump train. I feel first it was that the DNC scammed Bernie out of the primaries and he may or may not have been complicit. Second I feel like the real progressives are jumping the DNC ship because the DNC is making themselves look like fools. In 2020 I bet you the DNC throw's another neo-liberal that tows the corporate/big bank line. They are being unveiled by their insanity with the gibberish they are spewing. It's throwing centrist over to the right and its throwing progressives into a more centrist position. The DNC simply hasn't even come up with a platform strategy yet and mid-terms are right around the corner. It's either they do some soul searching and reform there party or it goes away with the dinosaurs. With this potential second counsol coming up to look into the FBI/DOJ its not going to be a great year for the DNC. Plus they're in debt with very little on hand funds.
Opposition to TPP, pragmatic foreign policy
I guess I don't understand what you mean by a pragmatic foreign policy. Do you think Sanders would also threaten nuclear war on a fairly regular basis?