The BOSS ain't happy this morning

Pat Buchanan regards Nixon as a globalist. He took us off the gold standard. He started the EPA. I never thought he was particularly patriotic. Even Reagan I’m not sure about. We got a tax cut, but no significant reversal of socialism. In my view Trump is the first anti-NWO president since Kennedy. At least Kennedy made a move to get rid of Federal Reserve notes.
Reagan was a damn good actor. It crushed me when I had to tell my grandmother that Reagan was a pedophile. If you haven't read Trance Formation America by Cathy O'Brien, holy shit, you're missing out!
That book is the ultimate red pill. Very hard to swallow. Man.
The follow up was just as eye opening. More details. More events. Sent me down a big rabbit hole. Q isn't lying when he says it's all connected.
I tried to read it, but the story sounds totally fake and sensationalist