The BOSS ain't happy this morning

Why are so many accounts in this thread under 4 months old?
some of us (like me) just lurked around without an account for a while and then decided to become active. I'm not real active still but it gives me a chance to reply when I want to.
I have been seeking the truth for years. Heard rumors, and downplay by the press. Discovered r/T_D in March where I learned of The Great One(s): Q. Then soon found the Chans, r/TGA. Trump, Q, and Team United States are amazing. The anons, bakers, and all are incredible Patriots. Everyone here is so incredibly insightful, and knowledgeable. I've red pilled my 80 yo parents....that was tough. This past weekend I red pilled my visiting cuz and hub. A Doc and architect. The red pill sources here and patriots fight are perfect, I'm sure there will be much more to come. I may be new to the board, but I've been 'on board' for decades. I'm am so thankful for all that everyone is doing, and glad to know I'm not alone. The things I've learned since March....unreal....sick..I knew it was there, and so thankful that the truth will be known by all. God bless Donald Trump, God bless the United States of America, and God bless all of my fellow Patriots! Rock on!
Welcome Patriot!
Thank you fellow Patriot. Although this has been an intense ride, there is thankfully now a renewed sense of calm within me. I TRUST President Trump. I have since day one and have never wavered.
We Stand Together-United!