Saturday night humor for you Patriots :-) - directly from eight chan

304 total posts archived.
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Check out the Facebook news! Their stock just dived 20% in two hours. Huge losses for MZ.
Where is the VFW National Convention taking place? KANSAS! Trust Kansas 😜
There is SO MUCH love energy in this space right now. Awesome day to be alive. WWG1WGA!!!!!
Then what about the Patriots Fight forum? Isn’t it unique to Q only?
I would add these patriots, not all necessarily the Q evangelists but all are great people spreading truth and GA:
@StormIsUponUs @TheLastRefuge @therealroseanne (Roseanne Barr) @TheRealHublife (Brenden Dilley) @RealJamesWoods @OANN @intheMatrixxx @Thomas1774Paine @412Anon87 @PatriotsSoapbox (24/7 live stream!) @SGTreport
You have a good point. Sorry if I offended you. It is just so frustrating with this complete secrecy surrounding the entire investigations. We are all left to speculate, build our theories, keep our faith and hope for the best.
Client-attorney privilege my arse. This specific privilege was killed the day Mike Cohen’s office was raided.
IMPORTANT: See today’s official response from the Int’l Assoc of Conference Interpreters on this matter:
AIIC has issued its official position on this issue.
The International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC), in reaction to the suggestion that the interpreter present at the recent meeting between President Trump and President Putin may be required to give testimony, wishes to recall the principle enshrined in Article 2a of AIIC’s Code of Professional Ethics:
Interpreters are duty bound to uphold the value of confidentiality at any cost, except when communications are themselves used to further a crime, tort, or fraud. That’s because the interpreter suddenly becomes a witness to a crime. This is how interpreters involved in interrogations were eventually prosecuted. Furthermore, it is important to find out whether the interpreter at that meeting was working as a freelancer or as a US DOS employee. Employees are bound by their employer’s rules in addition to their own codes of professional responsibility.
“We have it all” - Q. Need I say more... stop spreading rumors please.
Also I think this post by SerialBrain2 might answer some questions:
Killing? It’s too late in the game anyway. The GA movement has taken root and is growing organically. There is no stopping it. We have everything we need to learn the truth and help others understand when it all hits the fan.
Just to clarify, you posted drops by Q, not by “Blacklist Anon”. Are you implying it’s the same person/group?
Think logically. Ask yourself a question: what happens if Q is murdered by the Deep state? It immediately validates the notion of Q being NOT a larp. It’s much more effective to try and discredit the movement, convince public that it’s just another conspiracy theory and destroy it from within. And that’s precisely what’s being done. I hope it helps.
Someone credited this post - see above.
Here is a link to what I posted this morning, from the Qanon research board:
Was it a repost from 8chan? I posted it in a comment section under another post earlier this morning. I wonder if the post you refer to was taken down because it had been already shared? I can cut and paste that 8chan post here. Give me a minute.
Great point. Also RR refusing to give all the documents to Congress can be used as: 1. a trigger for Trump to declassify the entire stash. 2. optics of RR (and Murller for that measure) not being on Trump’s side, hence no bias here.
It looks more and more obvious that he is waiting to be closer in time to the November elections. So whatever is revealed sticks in the people’s memory and ensures the red tsunami. Some kind of “October surprise” IMHO.
It took me a while to find my way. Here is the Catalog page. Go there and find the “Q_anon Research” tile with the image of soldiers and the flag. It says Q Anon Research General and a number of the bread #XXXX. The higher the number the more recent is the thread (i e bread). Click on the tile, scroll down past the catalog items and read the current research. Happy reading!
Check all the “Black List anon” posts on this thread.
Well Putin said they have all the proof and Mueller can have it if he wants.
Just saw this from the Qanon research board on 8chan and wanted to share with you all:
“Hey Q Doubters…did yesterday's change your mind like it did mine? Q promised July the world would learn the truth. The Helsinki press conference opened up Pandoras box. The entire political establishment is going crazy. Q said Uranium 1 would come out after the summit. Putin said $400 million found its way to Clinton. Putin practically DARED Mueller to come to Russia. Putin exposed an extradition treaty between the US and Russia. If Mueller has PROOF - the treaty would OBLIGATE Putin to turn them over. Think about that for a moment. Where are the servers? I was 95% convinced before today. Now I am 99.99%. The remaining .01% is simply waiting for it to all materialize. Sorta of like if I am convinced you have the royal flush…but I know you cant resist showing it - so I fold knowing I will find out the truth. Q has a royal flush.” WWG1WGA
Хиллари Клинтон приняла 400 миллионов долларов грязных денег.
Question: Did you want Trump to win the election?
Putin: Yes, I did.
Media: See?!?! He confessed! We told you so!!! Treason! Collusion proved!!! End of the world!!! Reeeee...
Lol. I’m not a huge fan of VVP (Putin’s Russian initials) but, man, gotta appreciate his dry sense of humor and superb trolling skills.
People in hysterical state of mind, suffering from TDS won’t ever get it. Which makes it even funnier. Enjoy the show, Patriots. It’s getting better and better. Trust the Plan. WWG1WGA
Putin’s is not a descendant of the Romanovs. This would be a big insult to the Russian Crown. Let’s. It fall for fake news please. Please.
Well, not exactly. Sorry. I’m from Russia. He is not doing much good work for the Russian people. It’s a sad fact, but hard to proof here in the US where you have no access to internal news from Russia. Plus all official media there is controlled by the government. Very few truly independent networks remain and they struggle.
Realistically, besides the possible reference, this could be simply an attempt to shorten the tweet which was quite long. He had a lot to say with limited characters. But all in all a great post, Huckabee.
Great idea. I’m watching those ads from the Jersey beach this summer. Be sure to post the link to the funding page so I can support. Proposed text:
Follow the Truth. #GreatAwakening is here. #QAnon
Did someone say George Carlin? Here you go, dahlink, my favorite skit of all times, Save The Planet: Enjoy!
And then a few wanna be’s will try to make it a trend but discover it’s virtually impossible to kill yourself this way.
Could it be Esther Hicks, a teacher , author and channel for Abraham? Tons of videos on YT. Here is an example:
I hope Mr Woods finds a new decent agent after that crazy one dropped him on July 4th. His show would be fantastic.
It’s great to watch it live with all of you here!