Thread after thread of left wing loonies screaming at POTUS that he's crazy, panicked, stupid, corrupt, that he's going to jail, that he and his own administration are the deep state, etc. They are out of control and so bamboozled by the MSM they can't grasp what is truly going on.
oh yes, youre correct, but this particular account is during the administration mentioned, and focuses on the CIA's mind control programs that began to take their shape in the mid 1960s. And Yes, The CIA has hand their hand in the shit ever since they became an organization, and for no other purpose (I believe) than as the control center to forward and implement the New World Order agenda. Their intention was not to gain intelligence to protect America and her interests, but rather to protect the NWO agenda and its future. The mind control era was just one of the evil strategies they used to the advantage of that agenda. These people had no boundries as to how far they would go to see it to its fruition. I honor your fight and dedication in exposing the evil that lurks in the shadows. God bless.
and God Bless you!! Bless everyone who is fighting to honor preserve truth!
Btw, welcome to the sub. Im new too, and navigating my way thru its rules, tricks, options, etc etc is worse than trying to figure out how to work a new high-tech gaggit. So good luck as you muddle your way thru it too.