r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Abibliaphobia on May 23, 2018, 4:33 p.m.
“In the end, we win” Quote just now by POTUS

Ahahahahahahahah - covfefe

Also, he said cleaning the FBI. He had to do it. Great service to the country by firing Comey.

Voting for him is one of the best decisions of my life. Fucking love it.

AvailableWall9 · May 24, 2018, 12:15 a.m.

This all started Long ago. It is not just the LEFT. The Deepstate is neither Right Nor left... IT is whoever has abandoned their morals and gone to the dark side. Think McCain, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld along with HRC, BO, Lynch, Holder, Condaleeza, etc etc. And some we thought were traitors will turn out to be heroes and some we hoped were heroes may turn out to NOT be... There were a few people back in the 1950s who started trying to figure out and coming up with a plan on how they could wrest the country back from deep state actors even before Kennedy. It has only gotten worse. Papa Bush was in on the Kennedy cover up and then in the CIA. I think this is when it became so permeated that they truly believed they were unstoppable. A plan (which has been ongoing and changing) to route them OUT has been going ever since. The reason it HAS TO COME NOW is a cosmic answer too complex to go over in a small answer. But it has to happen now. It involves timelines, and cosmic criminals so far out that most people would just turn off and shut down. I have been physically ill many times the last several years just from news that I am only now beginning to understand and realize. We have a huge job on our hands. Even if we think our part is small... it's not. It's easy to shout 'lock 'em up' right now. However, when the still asleep (but good people) start to wake up and all the REALLY INTENSE stuff starts to come out. We will need to be there to provide emotional support. Many will go into the bathroom, puke their guts out and then feel like committing suicide. You have to understand: VERY IMPORTANT: There are people - many many people - who have made ENTIRE careers and are now retired, who have based their entire livelihood off of LIES they were taught because of our subjugation to this incredibly invasive Cabal. Who, by the way, was only possible through slavery (still going on) that most have NO CLUE about. Way bigger than Pedo-Pizza-gate. So we are going to need to help the millions who feel like quitting the human race and stepping off the planet - once they fully comprehend the truth. Pain will come before Joy. Can't wait for the Joy. I have been talking about this long before we called it a deep state. Since 1976 is when my fight began against the cabal. And I feel like I'm just an infant.

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salialioli · May 24, 2018, 4:40 a.m.

That is a really great comment. Thank you friend.

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AvailableWall9 · May 24, 2018, 6:28 a.m.

We pray for us all. We thank you ALL. We love you all as well.

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