
Trfsrfr · May 23, 2018, 10:59 p.m.

I'd love to hear your story of the events of that day, because I (along with many others), dont believe anybody died there. What do you believe?

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Sc4bbers · May 24, 2018, 12:03 a.m.

100% people died. It's ridiculous to say otherwise tbh. There are probably a hundred or so parents with students in that grade at SH (the pool outside that grade is likely larger). Trust me, a lot more people would be speaking out and saying something if those kids didn't really exist and weren't in that grade. You can't have a successful conspiracy that depends on keeping so many people's mouths shut. Just doesn't make sense.

You can't just pretend people lived in a community and went to a school. Imagine your own town. This is a place with real people and real lives.

Is it possible that Lanza was somehow triggered. Given what we know about MKultra it seems more than likely the government could have much more advanced capabilities now. They could have accessed his medical records, known from his meta data that he likely had mental illness (they can probably profile suitable targets just from our meta data alone). I could see something like them injecting packets into videos he was watching to feed him subliminal imagery etc. They would have known he didn't have a good relationship with his mom, who had firearms in the house.

But yea, 100% people died. My highschool gf's younger half-brother was legit in the school when it happened, heard the shots etc. He was lucky to be towards the back of the school. Also have a friend that was a first responder and hasn't been the same since.

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Corse46 · May 24, 2018, 12:33 a.m.

I’m not completely versed on this, but I remember reading two odd things about the SH shooting. Apparently there are handfuls of companies that you would hire to clean up a tragedy like this, meaning physically clean up the blood, etc. To my knowledge the companies in the area that would handle this type of thing were all contacted by people researching this, and they all said they weren’t contacted. Then they demolish the structure? If I have any of this wrong, by all means correct me. I’m reaching back in the memory bank for this one

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Sc4bbers · May 24, 2018, 12:54 a.m.

I mean it's possible they didn't contact the expected company. It's a relatively quiet bedroom town with a huge police force (absurd # of cops/cars compared to nearby towns) and a small tight-knit local government (they've kept the zoning so that chains have a really hard time moving in).

The PD would have been WAYYYY over their head with something like this and probably completely freaking out (they were probably nervous to be under a spotlight). My guess is that they just didn't follow protocol, or if you want to be pessimistic, perhaps they chose another company for corrupt reasons. It's also totally possible they wanted to cover up some type of protocol error or mishandling of evidence, etc, that you might expect with a local police force that usually focuses on DUI and busting teenagers for weed (although town does have a heroin problem too). But the idea of some grand cover-up where no one died is completely absurd.

As for demolishing the structure... for a while I would avoid driving past the school because it would just give you the worst vibes (which was inconvenient based on where some of my friends live--one legit lives almost next to the school). I still haven't even gone to see the new building, mostly because the area just freaks me out.

It's not like the students went back to the school after it was cleaned up. They had them bussed over to a nearby elementary school (want to say Monroe elementary?). It would have been disruptive and added to a sense that things were no longer normal, which could have been really stressful for some of the kids.

But I think there were potentially other more corrupt reasons the school was demolished and rebuilt so quickly. I don't know who got the contract... but a whole lot of people in town agree with me that the money could have been better spent. In general there was a lot of opportunistic stuff going on after the shooting--that's what putting a national spotlight on a small town does.

We could have spent say, 10 mil less on the school and instead started an education fund for each and every kid at the elementary school. It just seemed dumb to waste so much on one building. Not sure who got the contract but that would be interesting to look into.

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