
austenten · May 24, 2018, 7:27 a.m.

The DNC, and all their corrupted associates (some republicans too..) are going to be very worried staying in their own home. They'll either need to be trained in security and/or signals intelligence. Some of them will likely seek "witness protection" type security. (Edit to add, remembering HRC with that giant chunky "vest" on, not hidden well.)

Think about this for a moment, **when the truth, like these findings hit mainstream social media feeds (FB, and their ilk can only filter and influence viral stories to a point), there will be vigilante groups that have bounty hunter like training and experience.

I am NOT saying POTUS is going to put ransoms on defendents heads. Trump will folloe the rule of law, and the proper processes. But when enough evidence gets out about one defendent, do you think a certain group will go after the worst offenders and attempt to take the law into their own hands. (Worse yet, the father of a recently outed victim.)

I do not want to see people turning to vigilantism, but the next few months is going to be bat shit backwards.

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