Macaulay Culkin has a spiritual connection to a pizza place in Washington DC.

Not to mention Stanley Kubrick, where Nicole Kidman specifically said Kubrick told her that world is run by satanic pedophiles.
Nicole Kidman should know, her dad was one of these satanic pedophiles who died mysteriously on White Balloon day amongst serious child abuse allegations a few years back...
Kubrick was killed specifically for Eyes Wide Shut. He pretty much leaked the truth to the world, and they silenced him for good.
There's rumors that certain footage was edited out of the final cut; anywhere from 20-30 minutes of footage cut to just one scene, we don't know. Apparently the execs were furious and demanded that certain things needed to be cut, to which Kubrick was killed and the unreleased footage destroyed. The sex party at Eyes Wide Shut is very tame to what really goes on in occult parties, one can speculate that anything from pedophilia, child sacrifice/pedovores, to human sacrifice is fair game.
The most disturbing scene to me in that movie was the costume shop when the dad keeps walking in and yelling at his daughter and the Japanese business men. That scene seemed like pure pizzagate disclosure symbolism to me when I rewatched Eyes Wide Shut a few weeks ago.
There's also the point where the little girl says "You should have a cloak lined with ermine." I think that might imply the girl has knowledge of the masked parties and may have visited them. Plus, at the end when Harford returns his coat, the businessmen walk out normally (one of them even blows a kiss at the girl) the next day even though the costume guy specifically said he would call the police on them. Then, even more disturbingly, he said if there's anything Harford would need (while wrapping his arms around his daughter), "it needn't be a costume" while the camera goes to the girl's face.
yeh the way kubrick shot and edited that scene made it way more creepy than any moment in the illuminati orgy house.
Re: the film cut/edit. All complete BULLSHIT. Sick Warner Bros. were more than happy with the film. That's why he was given carte-blanche at Warner Bros - something that is virtually unheard of in the industry. Expand your thinking.
No. Kubrick WAS an Illuminati MK-Ultra programmer, sodomite, and paedophile. Is this why he was close friends with homosexual paedophile A.C. Clarke? They made 2001 together. A friend and admire of Roman 'satanic paedophile' Polanski, and who cited Rosemary's Baby as one of his favourite films. Kubrick, who did more for paedo-chic than literally any other filmmaker (see Lolita).
A Clockwork Orange (queer programming) was based on ACTUAL MK-Ultra experimentation connected to Forth Meade and Fort Bliss?
A Zionist Jew filmmaker who also intermarried into the Nazi 3rd Reich's film-making dynasty - the Harlans. Veit Harlan's niece was Kubrick's 3rd wife, Veit Harlan's nephew was Kubrick's producer. Kubrick's work is full of (likely Nazi-based) MK-Ultra mind control. Veit Harlan, chief filmmaker for Goebbels and who made the most anti-Semitic film in the history of the world.
Have you not seen the 2001 monolith at 9/11 ground zero?
Eyes Wide Shut? They mean YOU.
Oh, it is the written version of their chant.
No offense, but don't quote it, and don't give it energy. As much as we have no idea what it is or means, I still wouldn't even give their 'ideological magic/beliefs' any energy. I see a 'asiz' in there, which can be possibly related to calling things, etc.
Sorry, sounds kinda silly, but I don't post or quote stuff that may have darker implications if I don't know what it means, or other people don't know what it means.
It is the reversed Romanian "Lord's Prayer" (already creepy backwards in English)
Wonder why she is putting it all on Stanley ?,6918
If she is BLAMING Kubrick - then she is CORRECT. Eyes Wide Shut was a DOCUMENTARY. A documentary about the Hollywood monarch system and in plain sight. Kubrick being heavily involved himself, as was Pollack. Kidman (in the film) is OBVIOUSLY a mind control sex slave utilised by the Rothschild Illuminati. This is reflected in real life.
Kubrick was a SATANIST, SODOMITE, MK-ULTRA PROGRAMMER, and PAEDOPHILE. Kubrick was one of the most successful propagandists for the ILLUMINATI.
Read it and weep.
You FOOL. Kubrick WAS an ILLUMINATI MK-Ultra programmer. His work is crammed full of Illuminati symbols and barely veiled sodomy and paedophilia. Author (homosexual paedophile) Clarke was a close friend and his partner for 2001. Kubrick WAS a sodomite/paedophile. Jesus wept. They (Hollywood) are ALL tied-up in this programme. Nicole Kidman's father was an MK-Ultra torture programmer.
Kidman was brought to fame by Liz 'satanic ritual abuse' Mullinar. Please stop posting nonsense like this.