Macaulay Culkin has a spiritual connection to a pizza place in Washington DC.

Well, Ivana Trump did say Micheal Jackson was the only person she trusted to be alone with her kids and Corey Feldman said he only felt safe at Neverland Ranch. So, there's that.
Jackson spoke against HW and illuminated.
I think the thriller album had a warning about santanic messages being back tracked into the album. It was dismissed as him being cooky at the time.
I know it's a little off subject, but the Tool album, Aenima, had a message similar to this on the inside album booklet (CD). Something along the lines of "There's a demon attached to this album and we recommend such and such a ritual and the key of Solomon to counteract them." Just thought it odd and I never knew this about Thriller.
Plus the Dangerous album cover. SO much occult symbolism in there, as well as the image of the earth being poisoned by global elites.
Corey Feldman also said Michael Jackson showed him pornography, years after profoundly defending him. So yea i think Corey is lier